Chapter 20

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Louis' POV

I am not a morning person.

So when my alarm goes off, blaring in my ears, I tend to get a little angry.

I rolled over and thumped my hand violently down onto the snooze button of my alarm clock, effectively smashing it. Luckily, it didn't break.

I wiped a hand over my face and remembered what happened yesterday.

I found out where Coat Boy lives. And it's not very nice. The whole block looked pretty run down and it wasn't in the nice part of town.

I wonder how he can live there.

Plus, he looked really angry. I know he hates me and that could be the reason, but he seemed even angrier than usual. Something must be going on with him.

Wait a minute, why is he the first thing I am thinking about when I wake up?

I squeezed my eyes and shook my head, pushing him from my mind.

I sighed and rolled over feeling around in my bed for what I left there last night.

My hand touched warm, soft skin. I traced it up and down the sleeping body until it started moving.

"Lou," I heard Eleanor groan in protest as I tried to wake her up. I squeezed her hip and gave her a light shove.

"What?" I moaned back, mimicking her and making her laugh a little.

I internally cringed.

Although she's great in bed, she would be better off keeping her mouth shut. She's so annoying.

When she's playing a character, she's fine. If it's someone else she's trying to be when she's acting, then it's great. But the moment I talk to the real Eleanor, I want to slap her.

She's empty. She has no personality. She agrees with everything I say. She never offers her own opinion. She's way to into her looks and judges everything by the way it looks.

All she ever does is ride off my back and follow me around.

It does my head in.

I slowly opened my eyes and watched her roll over to face me. She tried to snuggle into my side but I pushed her away.

I don't do cuddles.

She made a noise in protest but didn't try to get close again.


She should know by now, after all the times we've woken up beside each other, but no, she still insists in trying to be affectionate with me.

Eventually, I sat up and climbed out of my bed, pulling the covers with me.

She squeaked in protest and sat up to look at me. She was completely naked and probably freezing her tits off but I didn't care. I didn't even give her a second look as I turned away.

"Get up," I barked as I left the room, leaving her exposed body shivering on the bed. "Or we'll be late to work."

I threw the sheets I had taken into the laundry basket. They would need a good wash after the things we did last night.

I smirked at the memory. Boy, she was good last night.

Then, I made my way into the bathroom and started the shower.

As I washed my hair, I went over my lines for today in my head, but somehow, the only thing I could think about was that little curly haired cutie. Harry was filling my thoughts with the way he walked, the way he talked and the way he did, well, everything.

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