Chapter 6

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i'm sorry its been a while.... enjoy! <3


Louis’ POV

On set, after our last scene for the day, Eleanor came down to my dressing room and announced that we were going out tonight to some new club with my friend Zayn and his girlfriend Perrie.

Some stupid new opening and we had to be there to make it look credible, she said, trying to convince me.


I thought I had made it clear that I hated going places with her, yet she insists on inviting herself everywhere we went.

I couldn’t decline though, my manager would give me hell if I did. Besides, I needed to be seen out again, it had been too long since the last time and my bad-boy party image had been dropping.

I needed to pick up my game, no matter how little I wanted to.

Ugh. Yet another tortuous night listing to Zayn blab on about how happy his life is while Eleanor rubs up against me in the hopes of getting in my pants.

That whore only cares about herself and uses people to get to the top. She wants money and fame. Nothing more.

I hate her.

What I wouldn’t give to be at home in my luxurious penthouse apartment with Niall playing X-box.

At least he understands what It’s like to be me. Unhappy and unloved.

I sighed as I climbed out of the sleek black limousine to be greeted with camera flashes and screams from my fans.

Eleanor was clinging onto my arm as we walked up to the entrance of the club. I held my hand up to cover my eyes from the bright lights and plastered a smile on my face to keep the fans happy.

It would be no good to have them question my happiness or they would become obsessed with my life, writing articles and requesting interviews to uncover the source of my ‘depression’.


I wasn’t depressed, I just wasn’t happy with my life at the minute.

Niall understands...

The bouncer gave us a subtle nod as we approached the doors and unclipped the red rope, letting us through before opening the doors to let us enter the building.

Even after they were closed I could still hear people screaming and cameras clicking.

I huffed as my smile melted away and a doorman took my coat. Eleanor turned to me with a seductive smile before hooking her arm through mine as we went through the second set of doors, into the club itself. I rolled my eyes at her, but let her take me inside.

Now that i’ve been seen out the front and my photo taken, the club will be deemed exclusive by all the gossip reporters. Just because I, Louis Tomlinson, had set foot inside, people will be lining up for hours every night to get in.

I had been seen, my job here is done.

Since we were already here, I decided to get wasted.

We walked into the room to be blasted with blaring music and bright lights, swamping me so I couldn’t hear anything else.

I felt Eleanor tugging on my sleeve “Let’s find Zayn!” she yelled into my ear as she pulled me further into the room.

Oh yes, this is my scene. As much as I complain about how much I hate going out, when I’m actually there, I don’t want to leave.

The feeling of my whole body beating in time with the music as my head sloshed, full of alcohol made me feel free.

Free from all those stupid things I think about when I’m sober.

I think way too much.

As we pushed our way towards the bar where Zayn and his lady would undoubtedly be, I looked around.

There were pretty much only celebrities there. I could see actors, recording artists, anyone who was anyone in LA was there.

I could definitely come back here. It seemed like a great place to get drunk without being hounded by fans.

I smiled to myself.

Yes, I could definitely come back here.

“Hey! Lou and El are here!” Zayn exclaimed from his position, perched on a bar stool when he saw us. “How are you guys?”

“Yeah, alright,” I nodded as I shouted back above the music.

“Drink!” Zayn demanded, sliding two shots of tequila towards me as I sat down next to him. I heard Eleanor squeal as she rushed over to Perrie so they could catch up.

“It’s been so long!”

You saw each other yesterday.

“Oh my gosh, I know! I missed you babe!”

Yeah, sure you did.

“How have you been?”

Again, you saw each other yesterday. Don’t you know this already?

I don’t understand girls. I never did but now, it seems I’m stuck with them, no matter how badly I wished I wasn’t. I sighed when I realised I had started thinking about it again.

My deep dark secret.


I hate thinking because I can never get something out of my head and then I dwell on it and overthink and... well, let’s not go there.

I looked down and saw the shots on the bar, not thinking twice as I did them both one after the other.

I grimaced, partly because of the girls, partly because of the drink and partly because I was still thinking about my miserable life. Zayn smiled as he ordered a beer for the both of us, knowing I would need it.

I looked up at him and started blinking rapidly when the room started spinning around me.

Shit. Well that went straight to my head.

Then, once everything had settled, I looked up at Zayn who was just collecting the beers from the bartender.

“You right, mate?” he asked me, handing me the beer.

I skulled half of it and smirked at him, nodding my response. He returned the expression as he got up, grabbed Perrie and moved towards the dance floor, turning and indicating that El and I were to follow.

Good. Now let’s have some fun.


and theres some Louis for ya :)

im sorry its so short... promise the next one will be much longer!! <3

penny for your thoughts? but seriously... tell me.

and thanks for all the reads/votes/comments, please keep doing it!! :)

~vic xo

Lights, Camera, Harry // l.s.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя