Cats new boyfriend

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~jades pov~
I was by my locker when I saw Vega talking to some guy, so I walked over and decided it would be a great idea to embarrass her.

"So who's that" I said
"This is dani" tori said
"So why you talking to tori"
"He went to my old school Sherwood" she said, I don't care but I think something gonna happen so I stayed then beck walked over, he may be able to calm me down but he will not get in the way of me annoying Vega.
"We used to date" tori said, great a great way to annoy her
"So why'd you dump her?" I asked smiling and beck put his arm round me "can I guess because I got a looottt of guesses"
"Umm well" tori started
"You don't have to" the guy interrupted
"You can explain" can they just hurry up and tell me what's going on
"Tori broke up with me" dani explained if they think that will stop me from annoying Vega then they got a nothing coming
"So how'd you celebrate" I said still smiling
"Do you ever take a day off" tori questioned I shook my head

They then talked about stuff I wasn't interested in because he was here for something and I will out what that is.

Then cat appeared and ran up to Daniel and kissed him, this made me happy.

It was awkward for a little bit then cat spoke.
"Why is everyone acting so weird"
"I'll tell her!" I exclaimed
"No you won't" beck said before I could say anything else

Tori and dani explained it I wanted to, to make tori more unhappy and annoyed.
"Please don't feel weird about this"
"Yeah we broke up a year ago" tori said
"Yeah it was a year ago"
"It's only been eleven months"
"Why does that matter"
"Forget it who cares"
"Okay it's all happy then!" Cat said excitedly

Ugh I wanted it to be more awkward for them but I guess I can't.
"I'm bored now" I said and walked over to my locker

~becks pov~

Great dani and tori used to date and cat and dani are dating a great way for jade to make it awkward and embarrassing for everyone.

Then cat came over.
"I'll tell her!" Jade said quickly
"No you won't" I said before jade said anything, she will probably switch up the whole story to make it seem like they used to date then dani cheated on her with cat tori found out dumped dani and then cat never found out.
Dani and tori explained it, thank god.

"I'm bored now" jade said when everyone was happy, she walked away.
"I'm sorry... for her" I felt the need to apologise so I did and then followed her.

"Jade you can't just announce when you're bored" I said
"Yeah I can I do what I want" she responded

Before I tried to explain why she can't she kissed me.

~jades pov~

Beck was gonna explain why I can't say I'm bored to people and I really didn't want to hear it so I kissed him.

He didn't pull away, it works every time.

~at lunch jades pov~

We were all sat eating lunch I wasn't listening to the conversation because I don't really care.
Then Daniel joined us, great another time to mess with tori.
"Guess who" he said and covered cats eyes with his hands
"Umm beck?" Cat guessed. what? He was literally say right next to her she is so stupid
"No it's me babe" her boyfriend said

Cat stood up and kissed him. They both sat down.
"So why are you here?" Cat asked
"I had a half day and I thought I'd come visit" he explained
"Awh" cat said
"Isn't this great Daniel gets to spend time with his new girlfriend and his used girlfriend" I said grinning
"Very funny but unlike you everyone at this table is mature so ha!" Tori said trying to get back at me I think? it didn't work

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