Freak the freak out

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~jades pov~

We had to watch cat and Andre do some scene I didn't know what was happening then Toris phone rang.

"We'll we have about 4 minutes left let's chat about our weekend plans Robbie I assume you have none" sikowitz said
"I uh oh I don't" he tried defending himself but it wasn't gonna work ever
"Gonna party with a couple girls from northridge" Rex said god he is weird
"Guess what jade and I are doing tonight!" Cat said jumping up "there's this place it's called Karokie dokie and they do singing competitions on the weekend so jade and I are gonna do a song"
"I'm picking the song" I stated there was no way I was gonna let her choose it
"Jades picking the song!"
"Can Rex and I come sing to"
"I told you I got the northridge girls"
"They can come watch"
"Oh I wish I could go to karokie dokie" tori complained
"Why can't you" back asked
"Who cares why she can't"
"So why can't you come?" Cat asked
"Trina getting her wisdom teeth out and guess who gets to spend their entire weekend looking after her" tori said she sounded annoyed. Good.
"Umm is it someone famous" cat said she can be so stupid sometimes
"No! Me"
"Why can't your parents look after her?" Andre questioned
"They're gonna be in sanatbabra"
"What for"
"So they don't have to take care of Trina"
"Sucks to be you"

Then the ball rang so we all left.

Beck and I got ready then left to go pick cat and André up, Robbie and Rex had the Northridge girls so they're ere finding their own way there.

We were listening to Robbie and Rex sing a song called forever baby. We all applauded.
"I'm gonna get a soda" I stated
"Get me one to" Andre said

I got my soda and headed back to the table and I saw a girl sat in my spot flirting with my boyfriend. I stood behind her and glared at her.
"Umm hi miss" cat said
"What" the girl said annoyed
"He has a girlfriend" cat maybe annoying but at least she said that
"I don't see her"
"Turn around" I said and she did "now you see her"
"I don't see much"
Did she really just say that to me
"Hey check out dudes jacket"
"Oh Hollywood arts"

They then started to trash Hollywood arts whilst beck and André tried to change the subject apparently the girls were singing they didn't look very good at singing.
"Now leave" I said demandingly
"Or what?"
"Wow she's really questioning me leave" I said
"No" ugh I hate her
"3...2...1" I said and glared at her and swung my scissors round and scared her off finally

Next up to sing was the girls that were annoying.

They were terrible it was hilarious and they think they can sing that jade it better. They were really trying to sing good but they made it worse and they think they're pretty.

The sing was over, about time and everyone started to clap so I said "yeah we're clapping because it's over" it's true you can't argue with that.

Now it was mine and cats turn and we are gonna do amazing.
"Alright a little r and b action tonight"
"Yeah just play it" he was annoying me

We finished the song and had a way more applause than the annoying people, we left the stage and I kissed beck to make sure they knew he was taken.
"A lot of great singers here tonight but I think two girls really stood out" he said obviously talking about me and cat
"Tonight's winners are haylee and tara" what?!
"C'mon man" beck said
"These girls have ten time more talent" André said
"Just sit down" haylee or Tara said I don't care what their names are
"I'll sit you down"

I felt beck grab onto my shoulder so I wound kill them.
"I own the club so I decide who wins"
"Thank you dad"
"Dad" that explained everything
"Wait why would she call him dad unless.. I bet he's her father" cat is very slow and understanding things
"We won cause we rock" how many lies have they been told
"Yeah don't believe everything your daddy says"
"Like when he tell you your pretty"

We were just about to leave then our food arrived so we decided to eat the food then leave.

~on the way back from the club~

Me and beck dropped off everyone then drove back.
"You okay?" Beck asked
"Fine" I responded
"Jade I can tell your not fine you can tell me what's wrong"
I didn't reply.
"Jade if it's about that girl flirting with me I didn't mean anything I love you and only you I could never love someone like her" beck explained "and that stupid trophy thing you don't need that to say you're an amazing singer because you are and you know they cheated I love you"
"I love you to" I said quietly

~the next day~

Beck woke up with my coffee it is the only way I can be woken up, I'm a heavy sleeper and I love coffee.
"I'm going over to André's today wanna come?"
"Can't going over to cats she wants to think of a plan to get back at those girls" I said
"Okay have fun"

Beck dropped me off at cats then drove to Andrés house.

"Hey cat" I said
"HIIIII" she has at to much energy all the time "have you thought of a way to get back at those men's girls yet"
"Yeah I think" I said
"What is it" cat said excitedly
"We're gonna need Vega but anyway we make Vega look terrible then we go to Karol or dokie and we challenge the girls by then singing and choosing someone in the audience they should choose tori because well she's gonna look terrible and then we should win" I explained
"Ooo okay sounds great!!!!"
"Should we go get the outfit"

We got to the mall and picked out an ugly sweatshirt a wig a fake nose and glasses and a mole. We also found this book called 'coping with failure' and cat insisted we get her frozen yogurt because she's been looking after Trina.

We had to get the bus to Toris.
"I still don't understand why we couldn't take your car" cat complained
"I've told you this a million time we are gonna leave them stranded because I'm gonna take becks car keys and we can't leave my car there and I'm not carrying around two pairs of car keys" I explained again words really do go in one ear and out the other

We arrived at the closest stop to Vegas and walked about 3 minutes to her house. We rang the bell and tori opened it. She looked terrible.
"We bought you frozen yogurt" cat said holding the bag up
"Whyyyy you know frozen yogurt doesn't fix all the worlds problems
"I told you to get her donuts"
"Why aren't you being nice"
"And why do you like disgusting"

I took becks car keys and then we told Tori the plan, she was on board if she wasn't I would have forced her.

We went to cats and tori got in her outfit then we left for karaoke dokie.

~at karokie dokie~

We walked in and they were singing it sounded even worse than last time.
"Ohh look who's back"
"I thought I smelled failure"
"Then you just be sniffing yourself" cat said "good right"
"For you"

We convinced them to do it now let's hope they choose tori.
"And if we win?"
"Ummm you can make out with jades boyfriend" cat said, did she really just say that now Tori better win
"What?!" Cat if you were anyone else you would be dead
"She likes his hair"
"So do I"

Yes they picked tori. Now time to show them that they could never sing professionally.

She finished the song and I shaved to admit she did alright, don't tell her I said that though.

Guess who has covid. Me. Not fun anyways there will probably be a lot of updates now I have a lot of free time.

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