Wankos warehouse

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I know I'm this episode that there is lasers on the isles but I'm going to change it so there's no lasers.

~jades pov~

Tori just told us that the sale doesn't start until 7am not 7pm. Never trust Trina on anything, always check yourself.
"Let's just go home tonight and we can drive back here tomorrow morning" beck suggested
"The line is already long enough imagine how king it will be tomorrow morning" André pointed out
"And I hate waiting in lines" I said
"You hate everything" tori said
"I also hate how you dragged us over here just to find out the sale doesn't start until tomorrow morning!" I exclaimed
"How's that my fault?" She said slightly offended
"You should have checked the time instead of trusting Trina!" I yelled
"Excuse me?" Trina butted in
"Jade calm down" beck said giving me a kiss on the forehead
"No! I'm angry and I hate waiting in lines and either way we're gonna have to wait in line!" I complained
"I know I know but just calm down a bit so we can think of what we're gonna do, okay?" He said soothingly and hugging me
"Okay fine but I'm still angry" I said before he unwrapped his arms around me and put them around my shoulders

We stood there for a minute thinking of what to do because we didn't want to wait in the line or go home.
"I've got an idea" I said breaking the silence
"What is it" they asked me
"Follow me into Wanko's boys and girls" I said leading them "and Robbie"

We went inside and acted like we were shopping normally without the sale.
"So jade what's your big plan" Trina said a bit to loudly
"Shhh" I said
"What's the plan" tori repeated
"Okay we hide in here and just before wankos close tonight we hide here in the store then after they close we have the whole place to ourselves we can walk around pick out what we wanna buy have some fun" I explained
"And then we're first in for when the sale starts" tori said
"But isn't that breaking in" André asked
"We're already in" beck said
"That's some ligit logic right there"
"So you guys up for an all nighter at wankos"

We got into the storage bins and hid there until we heard the store shut.

We climbed out of the bins and looked around.

Cat, Robbie and Andre went over to sniff the scented candles, tori and Trina went over to look at the unitards and beck and I went over to the scissors because I needed some more.

I grabbed another black pair and a dark red pair before heading over to the flannels which is where beck wanted to look.

"Hey beck this one looks nice" I said holding up a black and white one with thin red stripes outlining the squares
"Yeah it does I think I'll get that one and this one" he said holding up a white and brown one

We went over to find the others, we found cat, Robbie and Andre first. Cat had about 5 scented candle and like 3 teddies. Then we found tori and Trina, tori had 4 unitards with her, Trina had some new headphones.
"Everyone got what they want" Trina asked
"Nope I still need something" I said "beck come with me" I took his hand and dragged him over to the makeup

I picked out a new eyeliner and eyeshadow pallet, after seeing Trina headphones it reminded me that I needed a some more headphones as well so we headed over to the electronics, I picked out a black pair.
"Woah beck look at that tv" I said pointing at it
"It is a nice tv" he said going over to it "$659 though"
"80% off though it's only $131 roughly" I said
"Still expensive but cheap for a tv"
"How about I pay half" I offered
"No I don't want you to spend your money on me"
"Technically it's on us because the RV needs a new tv and I'm always there so really it's on us" I pointed out
"Fine but your only paying half and that's it" he said
"Okay deal"

We decided to come back and get it once the store had actually opened as it would be to much to carry around.

"Jade you came back with two more things why were you gone for so long?" They asked us
"We we're looking a tv that we're gonna get" I told them
"Aren't they expensive" tori said as if we were stupid
"Yep $659 but $131 on sale so we agreed to pay half"

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