Crazy ponnie

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Jades pov~

Last night cat had waxed my eyebrows off and I'm going to kill get so right now I'm chasing her round the school with my scissors.
"WHERE IS SHE" I yelled at the top of my lungs
I saw her try and hide behind beck and Andre.
I screamed
"Jade calm down" beck said, I ignored him

Beck managed to grabbed me around my waist before I could cause any harm to cat.
"Jade what is going on" beck said
I turned to face him and Andre so they could see
"Don't. You. Dare. Laugh" I said angrily
I will find a way to get revenge and I will not stop until I do.

At lunch beck and Andre had to hand cuff me to the table so I won't attack cat.
"Jade I really appreciate you having lunch with us" cat said, I only sat here because beck made me "and thank you beck and Andre for handcuffing jade to the table"
"No problem" beck and Andre said at the same time
"Argggghhh" I said trying to break free from these handcuffs so I can strangle cat

Beck held me back down.
"Here eat some food you haven't eaten" he said putting a French fry in my mouth
"Well maybe because I was handcuffed to the table so I can't use my hands!" I exclaimed

"You guyss" tori said annoyingly, I'm already in a bad mood and she's just making it worse! Ugh I hate her "special treat I just found a new friend in the bathroom she's fun and she likes sandwiches say hey to ponnie"
"There's no one there" I say
"I swear she was here a minute ago" she said
"I think she's on drugs" I stated and everyone nodded in agreement
"I am not on drugs!" She said sitting down
"I'm convince you are"
"I'm not!" She argued

We sat there for a few minutes in silence eating our food well they were I was sat there watching them eat.
"Beck can I have some more food" I said
"Sure" beck said taking another French fry and putting it in my mouth
"Why is he feeding you?" Tori asked
"Because I'm handcuffed to the table!" I yelled
"I was just asking no need to shout at me"

I was finally released from the table so we could go to class, I had a different lesson to cat she got lucky this time but we have sikowitz next.

Ring ring ring

The bell went and instead of going through the door I decided to go through the window like sikowitz does to ambush cat. I waited until she in the lesson when I jumped in.
"ARGGGG"I said barging through anyone in my way

I tackled cat to the ground but beck pulled me off of her again.
"You girls knock it off" sikowitz said
"I'll get you!" I said angrily
"I don't wanna be gotten!"

Beck made me sit on the opposite side of the room to cat so it wouldn't suddenly attack her again.

Beck sat next to me and massaged my hand whilst sikowitz got on with the lesson.

Then tori came in late on about that ponnie girl again.
"Wait where's ponnie?" She said
"Where's who?" Sikowitz asked confused
"Ponnie one of your students she sits in the back with you guys right?"
"Umm tori maybe you should sit down and rest" André said
"There's no ponnie in this class" I said
"Then if there's no ponnie how do I have her backpack"

She opened up the bag and there was a talking doll of tori that looked exactly like her.
"I'm talking tori and I'm evil" the doll said
"Why would you buy that doll" cat questioned
"And where can I get one" I asked
"This is ponnies backpack!"
"There's no one named ponnie in this school!"
"It's true" sikowitz agreed
"See even sikowitz agreed and he teaches like everyone at this school you've just proved my point your in some sort of drugs" i said
"Tori's in drugs!" Sikowitz said shocked
"I am not in drugs and there is a ponnie in this school!" She said before storming out the room

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