Tori gets stuck

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A/N- I know beck wasn't in this episode but let's pretend he was

~jades pov~

I looked at the cast list for steamboat Suzy.

Suzy- Tori Vega
Understudy of Suzy- Jade West

WHAT? I got the understudy I worked hard auditioning to get Suzy but all I get is the understudy.

I crumpled up the piece of paper, kicked a chair and threw the paper on the ground.
"So who's playing Suzy?" Robbie asked. Tori went over the paper and looked at it.
"I am" tori said
"Yeah her that she got the lead!" I exclaimed
"What part did you get?" Cat said
"I got cheated and humiliated!"
"Alright now let's see it says right understudy for the role of Suzy" André said
"Oh Yee hoo like it's my dream to be Toris understudy" I said sarcastically
"What's understudy" tori questioned nervously
"Ughhh" I threw my water bottle at the wall

Robbie and Andre told Tori what and understudy is.
"Yeah if you get sick or go missing or GET HIT BY A BUS!" I yelled and stormed out the room

~becks pov~

Jade got the understudy, this can't be good.

"Yeah if you get sick or go missing or get hit by a bus!" Jade shouted and left the room
"She can't drive a bus.. right" tori said
We all stood there silently not wanting to say anything because knowing jade she probably can.
"I better go clam her down" I said and left to go try find jade

I looked at all the usual spots where jade usually goes: the janitors closet, jet brew, the girls bathroom.

I checked everywhere but one spot. My car.

I went to the parking lot and saw jade playing with her scissors in the trunk of my car.
"Heyyy whatcha doing" I said and sat next to her, she didn't say anything back "you okay?"
"Oh I'm wonderful beck my life is going great" she said sarcastically
"You're upset that you didn't get the part aren't you" I said
"Yeah, before tori came here I had everything I ever wanted everything was finally perfect then she came here and took everything away from me, my friends, the main roles and she almost took you away from me" she said before I interrupted her
"Jade I'm not going anywhere" I reassured
"You sure?" She said
"Anyway as I was saying she gets everything and now she gets picked for the main roles probably because she's got a better personality and is easier to got along with she just took everything I ever had away from me and the one time I thought I could get something she took it again" jade ranted
"Jade you can't help how you are, I love your personality and people are stupid if they don't your different from the rest you stand out and I love you" I said snd pecked her lips before pulling her in for a hug
"Can we just go back to your RV I don't want to stay at school and have to be in classes with tori"
"Of course"

I drove us to my RV, the drive there was silent apart from the music playing on the radio.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked
"Can we just watch the scissoring and cuddle?" Jade asked
"Of course lemme get it set up"

We watched the film before falling asleep together.

I woke up about 2 hours later to Jades phone ringing. I looked to see who it was it was cat, I answered the phone.

The phone call:
Cat: omg jade you finally picked up I've been calling you for like forever where are you? And where is beck? Is he with you?
Beck: hey cat it's beck we're at my RV
Cat: why I miss you and jadey can you guys come back
Beck: sorry cat but jades asleep and I don't want to wake her up and put her in more of a bad mood
Cat: okay well can you tell jade I say hi
Beck: sure
Cat: kaykay thanks!
Beck: bye cat
Cat: bey beck!

Unseen moments || bade Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora