Chapter Twelve

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Harun lets out a tired yawn and leans against the wall trying his best to ignore the woman who won't leave him alone. After Zaid's call last night, he couldn't sleep. His mind had begun to race, forming all kinds of thoughts. From believing that this is what he wanted all along to thinking that maybe he's making a mistake. With a sigh of frustration he had forced himself to "hit the sack" but that led to him staring into the darkness of his room for an hour or so. He's never come across a girl like Jamila. Ever. Considering he has two sisters' who'd bring home a bunch of giddy twenty year olds to spend the day- which would also include gawking at the maturing boys in that household. No girl has impressed him enough, to brand the idea of marriage in his head.

'Then I was like, you should really leave me alone and then she was like, you're being so mean Jess, I mean have a heart! I didn't really care about what she said, I mean I don't like him! I have rights! Right?' Jessica looks up at Harun, begging him almost to agree with her.

'Jessica we're here for a reason, focus on the patient,' Harun was observing a patient's heart beat because he was just after a cardiac operation; then in came Jessica who once caught sight of Harun, didn't want to leave the room.

'Right, right. The grumpy brute is totally fine. You need to stop worrying,' Jessica winks at him.

'Jessica! Don't meddle with that,' Harun grits his teeth as she squeezes the patient's drip. 'I'm leaving. Keep an eye on him.'

'Wait-'Harun shuts the door and walks towards reception. He looks through some files and sets them aside; two patients are going into surgery today and he needs to be there. He feels a tug on his arm forcing a distraught expression on his face.

'What's the matter with you?' Harun is angry now. Does she not know the meaning of personal space?

'What's the matter with me? You're the one with the attitude. You can't even have a decent conversation with me.' Jessica grips his arm tightly.

'Have a decent conversation? How about you stop flirting with me and focus on what you're here to do. You're meant to be working, not hitting on your co-workers Jessica.' Harun pulls his arm but she clings on to it. Mona, the receptionist eyes the both of them peculiarly but doesn't say anything.

'I'm sorry. I really am.' Jessica looks genuinely sad.

'Let go of my arm,' Harun tries to be kind. She complies but doesn't move away. She stares at his flawless face and wills him to see in her, what he sees in the woman he wants to marry. Harun walks backwards and looks to his left; Mona raises her eyebrow at him. Jessica notices a single thread on his shirt and touches it involuntarily. 'What are you doing?!' Harun half shouts. To anyone around them, it would look like she was trying to unbutton his shirt. Yeah, not the best sight when you're "engaged."

'You have something on your shirt,' Jessica walks towards him again.

'I don't need your help,'

'Wait, it's right there! Let me just...' Jessica pulls a lone thread that clings to his front shirt.

'Um, Sir?' Mona intervenes.

'Jessica, get back.' Harun stretches out his hands, can't she leave me alone?!

'It's just a thread, stop being a baby,'

'Sir?' Mona tries again.

'I could care less, just move,' Harun speaks loudly. He wants to scream at this woman but then again he's a man. He has to control himself.

'There,' Jessica shows him the thread. She grins happily, you can't resist me forever big boy.

'Sir?' Mona repeats in frustration.

Under That Scarf (Editing)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora