6. Payment

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Tuesday, 6:30pm

This was not supposed to happen. This wasn't part of the plan, in fact whatever plan I came with, clearly flew out the window the moment I looked directly at Jamila.

The blood raced down his veins at the proximity of her. Get it together man. He came here with the intention of helping her father and nothing more... Yet. But somehow no doubt thanks to Jamila's mother, he's about to stay much longer than necessary.

Not that I'm complaining.

Harun stares at the delicate slice of cake in front of him but his focus is on the young woman who's rolling her eyes at someone behind her. He noticed her disappearing into the kitchen quite a few times and heard loud whispering. Now she pours coffee for herself, her mother and for him. Her face is flushed and...


"It looks exquisite."

"You haven't tried it yet." Jamila retorts. True.

"I'm certain it tastes as good as it looks." She smiles shyly and places his cup beside his plate.

"Then eat Dr. Harun." Aminah encourages with a glint in her eyes. He quietly says Bismillah (In the Name of Allah) and does exactly that.

"Mmm, delicious."

"My Jamila made it."

"Mom Aliyah helped." She adds in quickly. Aliyah? Her mother waves a hand indifferently and asks Harun about himself. He shares a snapshot of his childhood, his interest in medicine and his family. He avoids talking about his father for obvious reasons and thankfully they don't press. He feels at ease with opening up to them.

I'm comfortable.

"Do you play any sports?"

"Yeah, basketball but that was in high school."

"Ah Zaid also used to play no Jamila." Harun learns that she has two older brothers. Not to mention- overbearing brother. From the scoff and look of irritation on Jamila's face, it's no secret that they protect her like their life depends on it. He feels a mountain of respect for them even though he hasn't met them.

I'm the same with my mother and sisters. It drove Hafsa crazy when I would point out her stray hair when she wore Hijab. Okay so I was a little annoying but I did it because I cared.

As they converse, he learns more about Jamila. She just finished graduate school and works at a clinic. He doesn't want to pry but Aminah clearly approves of him enough to share such personal information. Forget approval, she's fond of him and Harun soaks it all up.

I mean, it'll come in handy. In the future.


"Have you visited Palestine?"

"A few times when I was younger but not recently."

"The government doesn't make it easy." Jamila contributes. She was quiet while her mother steered the conversation but Harun noticed her every expression; her smirk when he shared a high school memory, her smile when he mentioned he loved science as a kid, her surprise when he said he was the youngest in his family, her grin when he described Nuh, his sister Ramla's son and now her frown at thought of the Muslim nation.

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