Chapter Twenty One

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I still haven't told him. It's been three days J, what's wrong with you? I can't think right now. Jamila huffs as she admires her skirt in her floor length mirror. She bought it in Morocco, it's mint green; she pairs it with brown sandals and a cream colored shirt. She's in the mood to dress up, a day out with her friend is what she needs.Where is Ru? It's already eleven. She dabs in a quick text asking of her whereabouts and then raids her drawers looking for a decent bracelet to put on. Goodness, where did I keep all of it? I seriously can't find a single one.

She begins searching drawers that usually contain notes and reports. She comes across a pink envelope. I've seen this before! How'd it get here? I forgot all about it. Before she knows it, she's peeling apart the paper, it's the back of a photo? What? Why is my husband... Jamila has a lump stuck in her throat suddenly, Harun is standing in front of a woman. A very inappropriately dressed woman and they're in a bowling setting. When was this? Why was it sent to me? Why is Harun with her? Is he cheating on me? No! It can't be. This is MY Harun. He'd never do that. He's too innocent and sweet. What did... Oh my God. He looks gorgeous and she's... Ugh I hate her! She's smiling, like she's having a good time with MY husband! Jamila bites her lip and crushes the picture. She shoves it back in the drawer, she's fuming. Wait till he gets home tonight. An angry tear springs down her chin.

Suddenly she hears a loud horn outside. That has to be her. A peek through the window confirms it, she wipes her face and forces on a positive attitude. There has to be a reasonable explanation for all this J! Just cool it and take a deep breath. How can I? He was with some other woman, who by the way was barely wearing any clothes! He probably prefers her over me. Okay no no! What if this is a whole misunderstanding? But how?! He's crazy about you J. Think about it. Plus think about it, you were rejected him for almost three days now! These thoughts rocket through her mind as she races outside with her brown satchel in hand.

'Salam Alaykum, my dearest.' Rumana gives her a side hug.

'Wa Alaykum Salam! Where are we off to?' Jamila tries to forget about what happened.

'Okay so I was thinking we'll show to this cute store right around the corner and then we'll go for lunch. What do you say?'

'Sounds great.' If only I could feel good about this.

'Awesome, so how are things?' Oh great. My husband could possibly be cheating on me and my marriage is hanging in the balance but apart from that, not much.

'I should be asking you that.' Jamila pokes her tummy.

'Hey!' She giggles.

'Have you thought of names yet?' Distract yourself J.

'Hmm, yes but I'm not so sure about them. If it's a girl, I want to name her Sakina but Bilal wants her to be Sara and if it's a boy I want to name him Abdur Rahman but Bilal wants him to be Jibreel.' Jamila laughs at her friend's agitated face. 'It's not funny!'

'Okay I'm sorry but come on-'

'What do you want to name it?'

'Huh? What do you mean?'

'If you had a baby what would you name it?' Rumana speaks slowly and smirks.


'Just say it J.' You want me to name the kids that I'm afraid to have? How sensible.

'I don't know... I mean, I the name, Saad for a boy and uh...' Jamila shifts in her seat uncomfortably and looks out the window. If she only knows what I'm going through right now.

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