10 - Graze

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"What, does it sting?" I look over my shoulder and into the passenger seat, watching him squirm with blood dripping off his sides

"No, there's blood on the seats!" He whines, using his hands to try and stop the blood from dripping. I scoff and go back to driving.

"Can't you go faster? It's hurting like a mother fucker, God." He rolls his eyes back. "Relax, I'm going."

He throws his head back and clenches his jaw. His breathing grows heavy as his body slowly moves up and down with his breaths. His hand was shaky, over the gun graze. The free hand was running through his hair and slamming on the side of the car.

"Can you fucking relax, I'm going as fast as I can." I drive faster, almost to our destination. He groans and uses his free hand to put pressure on the graze.

"It's a deep cut, I can feel it."

"You're a mafia don, have you never gotten shot before?"

"I have, just never this bad. And it's been a while. You can't get used to getting shot. Fuck." He bites his lip in order to focus on another type of pain.

"Jesus you're overreacting." I roll my eyes and drift into the Giovanni estate driveway. Alessandro shifts sideways and hits his side on the side.

"God, Valentina!" He shouts fumbling his hands to open the door once I stop the car in the middle of the driveway. I could see the blood pouring out of him, showing me that the fabric did absolutely nothing.

I step out the car and rush to his side, grabbing him and throwing his arm over me. I could barely walk, being barefoot and being suffocated by a tight ass dress.

"Where's the med kit?" I ask, entrance opening by guards. Alessandro shrugs and limps on his side that isn't grazed.

"Whatever, let's go." I drag him to the nearest bathroom and throw him onto the toilet. Rushing out, I open the lights and run over to Romano, blood stained on my hands.

He was cutting some apples and listening to music, at least I think so.

"Romano! Where's your med kit!?" I shout, grabbing his attention. He drops the knife and stares at the ripped spot on my body, showing off my thighs.

"I...uh..the med kit?" He tries to maintain eye contact but fails miserably. I don't blame him. I know I'm hot.

"C'mon Romano! You can stare all you want after I get this over with. I can't lose my job." I can't ruin my only chance of approval from my father.

"There's once in Uhm..the space beside the T.V. Good thigh- LUCK. GOOD LUCK WITH WHATEVER YOU'RE DOING!" He slaps his mouth with two hands and nods his head at the T.V.

I rush over, jumping over the couch and using my elbow to break the glass covering the med kit open. As much as I hated Alessandro, I had to help him or I would lose everything I've been doing since I got here.

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