23 - Bianca

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⚠️TW⚠️ - there will be some mention of having trouble eating. Remember babes, eat today. Fuck society, eat for your body. It needs its nutrition and power. It's about drive, it's about power. We can't betray The Rock like that, go eat <3

My body jerks up as the sunlights beams into my room

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My body jerks up as the sunlights beams into my room.

What time is it? I stand up and check the time, yawning and stretching my body with the morning ache.

Doing my usual, I use the bathroom and change into something more comfortable. My door opens with the swing of my arm and I bump into the man who almost kissed me last night.

"Alessandro." I whisper, knowing the last time I said his name, his response almost made me pass out with arousal. Frankly, I'm disappointed in my body for having a reaction to his stupid words.

"Valentina. Good morning. Would you like me to walk you down the stairs, or are you going to get upset and control me with your words?" He tilts his head, giving me that slight smirk that crawls under my skin.

Looking down, I notice his cargo pants and forest green hoodie fitted tightly on his body, showing off his perfectly sculpted body.

"You know you liked it, Alessandro. Being controlled and ordered to do things. Being thrown around and used. You like it, especially when I control you." My tone drops to a seductive octave.

He chuckles, rolling his tongue on the side of his cheek. "Maybe I do. I also liked it when you eye-fucked me in my car. I was hoping we would do more, but you let the best of you take control. I cant stop thinking about what could've happened if we both lost control then. Hm?"

I shake my head with laughter and smile, "oh, honey. Nothing would've happened. Noah is a much better alternative, so you can go fuck yourself." I give him a wink before brushing past him.

Suddenly, his hand comes flying around my waist, pulling me right in front of him, throwing us in the position where we have our chests bunched against each other.

"Sei mia, Valentina. Remember that." The Italian rolls off his tongue and right down to my core as his whispers the assault into my ear, brushing his lips against the top of it in the process.

I just woke up, goddammit.

"I have no idea what that means, but I do not agree. Anyway, I am starving and will be leaving you. Bye bye, sir." I smile and pat him on the shoulder.

He hold me tighter and leans in closer to whisper in my ear. "Don't tell me to go fuck myself when we both know I'd rather be fucking you. And do not call me sir unless you don't intend on screaming it."

My mouth snaps shut, and I feel his body warmth against me. Holy shit, why am I so aroused right now? I am supposed to hate his guts for fucks sake.

"Alessandro, you're playing a dangerous game." I whisper back, turning my head and brushing my lips against his ear, smiling.

"I'm willing to take risks for you."

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