2. The Nightmare System

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The Nightmare System?

Qi Le An was taken aback, what Nightmare System?

“Nightmare System, the user could control and fabricate someone’s dream upon activation.”

The system explained how it worked like it could see through Qi Le An.

Qi Le An couldn’t help but ask, “Who are you?”

“I am the system.” 

Qi Le An found it absurd, so not only had he reincarnated, but also he could control and fabricate someone’s dream through this system.

“You have no access to the system yet given you haven’t bound to the system.”

Bound to the system? How?


Three seconds later, a throbbing pain came from Qi Le An’s head, with that data and information flooded into his mind.

It turned out all Qi Le An needed was someone’s hair or nail to control and fabricate their dream. The system fed on people’s negative energy. The more negative energy induced by the system in their dream, the more powerful the system would become. The more scary the system made their nightmares, and more negative energy they would produce, thus it became a perfect vicious circle!

However, the host couldn’t shut the system once it was activated, the host would end up having nightmares if the host couldn’t fabricate a nightmare for someone else.

Qi Le An didn’t hesitate, he chose to become a host. As young as fifteen, he wasn’t as capable as he would like to be yet. But he was able to fight back now that he had this system.

Qi Le An fell asleep after he chose to become the host of the system, he didn’t sleep well though, with a lot of stuff flashing in his mind. It was almost seven o’clock when he woke up next morning.

Most trainees in Glory Entertainment were under eighteen, they signed unjust contracts with the company and worked day and night for their dreams. They had general knowledge course in the morning and specialized courses such as singing, dancing and acting in the afternoon, they only had two days off each month.

The trainees were in different classes according to when they signed the contract with the company, about thirty trainees in one class. Two trainees shared a dormitory and there was a head teacher in charge of a class.

Qi Le An’s head teacher was Mr. Li who used to be a manager and was demoted to the post of head teacher in Qi Le An’s class because he had offended the leadership. Mr. Li favored Qi Le An in the whole class, he always thought both Qi Le An’s parents had passed away and Qi Le An had no one to depend on except his own teacher, so he was just being nice to Qi Le An because he was counting on riding on Qi Le An’s coattails one day.

Qi Le An didn’t see that through in his last life, he was grateful to Mr. Li and he was so depressed after Yan Lang had stolen his part and Mr. Li acted like a changed person towards him since that.

Thinking of that, there was a cold smile appeared on Qi Le An’s face. Then he put on his uniform and blow-dried his hair, he checked his meek smile before he left his dormitory.

Qi Le An had become more timid and sensitive after his parents had passed away, he didn’t have any friends in the company, luckily there was no one trying to give him a hard time due to his good personality, he stayed low profile in the class.

They had Chinese, English and vocal physique lesson this day, Glory Entertainment had a high standard for their trainees.

Other trainees had already started training their voices when Qi Le An arrived at the classroom, Yan Lang waved at Qi Le An, “An, here, sit next to me today!”

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