5. First Encounter With Wei Sama

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The sacrifice ceremony was scheduled at 8:27 am in the morning, the whole crew were supposed to show up and burn incense to pray for a smooth shooting, chicken, duck, fish, pork and other delicacies would be sacrificed to the Bodhisattva.

Assistant He got up before seven, he woke Qi Le An up and babbled on for a while before he went to his boss’s room.

Qi Le An was still half asleep when Assistant He left, he gave a big yawn and got up, ‘Don’t be late today, join me and my boss for breakfast, all right?’ Qi Le An recalled what Assistant He just said to him.

Qi Le An went to the bathroom to get ready, he felt so touched that Assistant He cared for him. Poor boy didn’t have money for skincare, but luckily he won the gene lottery, his smooth skin didn’t need any product. Qi Le An just put on a simple white T-shirt and a pair of jeans, that was it, it was 7:30 when he walked to Hu Bin’s room.

The room was a train wreck, both Hu Bin and Assistant He were in a flurry, Hu Bin was blowing his hair, and Assistant He heaved a sigh on seeing Qi Le An.

“An! Please hand me the belt over there!” Assistant He looked sulky, “I told him to pick his outfit last night so we don’t need to go over this!”

Hearing that, Hu Bin yawned, “My dearest assistant, don’t be upset, I can skip breakfast.”

Assistant He rolled his eyes, “An is a growing boy, I don’t care you skipping breakfast or not, An needs food!”

Luckily, Hu Bin got ready within ten minutes. And the breakfast Assistant He had ordered arrived at the same time, the three made it to the ceremony at eight.

Lin Xue had arrived as well, but Director. Cui was nowhere to be seen. They had a chitchat while waiting, then some cheering had caught their attention.

They all turned their heads only to see a beautiful man walking towards them with Director. Cui.

Qi Le An’s eyes were wide open, ‘What is he doing here? I don’t recall he was in To Perish Demons!’

“I can’t believe Wei Chang Feng is here!” Lin Xue murmured.

Wei Chang Feng, a legend in show business. He debuted at four years old, he was as cute as a sticky rice dumpling in his childhood, and he was the most popular idol/young actor in his teen years, people of all ages loved him. To everyone’s surprise, Wei Chang Feng decided to take a break for his study when his fan base was at the peak.

Then Wei Chang Feng came back as the only Asian actor in Interstellar, the Hollywood blockbuster. With that Wei Chang Feng became even more prestigious in show business.

Qi Le An had a brief cooperation with Wei Chang Feng in his last life, he called him ‘Wei Sama’ in the heart for he admired Wei Chang Feng so much! And... and Wei Chang Feng covered his body in the hospital... Qi Le An’s feelings towards Wei Chang Feng were complicated.

Qi Le An was overjoyed, he had always thought it would take him years to cooperate with his Wei Sama.

Director. Cui and Wei Chang Feng were walking towards them while Qi Le An was in a trance, Lin Xue and Hu Bin greeted Wei Chang Feng respectfully, Qi Le An stood behind them and heard Director. Cui said, “Changfeng will be the Grandmaster in the show, it takes much effort to clear this national treasure’s schedule for us.”

Director. Cui sounded so proud, he showed a triumphant smile.

Wei Chang Feng had won a few ‘Best Actor’ titles when Qi Le An passed away in his last life, his name alone was for sure the endorsement of great ratings and top box office. It was 2011 now, he just came back with his Hollywood movie Interstellar, but he had gained even more popularity compared to when he was younger.

Wei Sama, Let's Stuff Them With Dog Food[1]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora