145. After The Drunkness

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Qi Le’an didn’t know that Chen Shan had caused quite some trouble. The next day, when he was sent to school by the Chen Family’s driver, he only asked about it briefly.

The driver said, “I suspect that Young Master has gone for a drink. Junior Young Master, do you want to come home for lunch?”

Ever since Mrs. Chen recognized Qi Le’an as her godson, the Chen Family had called Chen Shan as Young Master and Qi Le’an as Junior Young Master.

Wei Changfeng was coming back today, and his menu was still recorded on Qi Le’an’s phone. He said, “No. I’ll go home by myself this afternoon.”

The driver said with hesitation, “Go back yourself?”

Qi Le’an hastened to say, “A friend will come to pick me up.”

Then the driver gave up.

The atmosphere at school was still tense. After the pledge meeting of the twelfth grade was over, the class was ceased. Students could choose to study at home or school. Walking on the campus, Qi Le’an felt bad with a sinking heart.

During the recess, Mr. Luo once again talked with Qi Le’an.

On tenterhooks, Qi Le’an sat on the small sofa in the office, not daring to move. Mr. Luo poured Qi Le’an a glass of water and said with a smile, “Le’an, don’t be so nervous! I need you to do me a favor!”

Qi Le’an finally felt at ease and asked, “What’s wrong, Mr. Luo?”

“The students of the twelfth grade are going to take the college entrance exams in a few days, right? They must be quite stressed, so the teachers want to let them relax a bit. Could you please go and sing a song for them to cheer them up?”

Mr. Luo spoke carefully and held his breath.

Qi Le’an was quite speechless.

Seeing that Qi Le’an didn’t say anything, Mr. Luo said in a hurry, “Never mind! It’s fine if you don’t want to sing. Don’t feel pressured.”

Qi Le’an instantly didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, “No, no, no, actually, I’m a little bit weak at singing.”

He was really poor at singing. The last time he got his nerve up to sing a song, he was doing a commercial performance with Yan Lang a few years ago.

When Mr. Luo heard the reason, he immediately said, “It’s okay. You may not sing a song. The main purpose is to cheer them up!”

After he finished speaking, Mr. Luo felt he didn’t express himself enough and then hastened to say, “That’s not what I mean.”

Qi Le’an couldn’t help but smile. “It’s okay. I’ll go there. When should I go?”

“Tomorrow afternoon. Is it convenient for you? There happen to be two self-study sessions at that time.” Mr. Luo had thought of the time before.

Qi Le’an nodded and said, “No problem. I’ll go then.”

Mr. Luo let out a sigh of relief.

When the class was over at noon, Wei Changfeng was waiting for him at the usual place. The car window was half rolled down and he was wearing sunglasses and a white shirt. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, which were rested on the window.

Qi Le’an ran over to knock on the window and opened the door.

“Aren’t you afraid of being found by others?” Qi Le’an said.

Wei Changfeng rolled up the window and removed his sunglasses. “No one is looking at us.”

Then he drove away from the school gate.

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