3. First Revenge

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Qi Le An was perturbed before he climbed to his bed, he wasn’t sure whether he could communicate with the system this night.

Qi Le An put Yan Lang’s hair under his pillow as the system had required, then he waited to fall asleep with his eyes wide open.

It sounded weird that he waited to fall asleep with his eyes open, but he wanted to have a clear mind when he communicated with the system.

A dim room emerged in front of him, Qi Le An walked in, there was a light in the corner with a desk and some papers and pens.

“Please fabricate dreams on the machine.”

‘Quite a shabby machine,’ Qi Le An’s lips twitched.

“The machine is a reflexion of the host’s mind, its appearance has nothing to do with the system.” the system counted as it had saw Qi Le An through.

Qi Le An was taken aback, then he realized that was his childhood desk in the corner.

A complex knot of emotion formed inside Qi Le An, Qi Le An walked to the table and began to fabricate Yan Lang’s nightmare. Qi Le An now was only able to fabricate a single emotion in the dream, he had this thought through during the day, so he started to write down the dream passionately.

Strangely enough, each word would disappear as Qi Le An finished writing the next word, meanwhile there was a tremendous change taking place in Yan Lang’s dream.

Yan Lang usually didn’t dream much, but he had a peculiar dream this night. He was walking in a desert, all parched and exhausted, he kept walking to find a spring, and finally he found a spring, he scooped a handful of water and gulped it down, but the water turned out to be sand.

Yan Lang was more parched, so he kept walking in his dream.

Finally the dream affected the reality, Yan Lang woke up, he jumped from his bed before he even reached for his phone under the pillow.

Yan Lang made out the figure of a bottle in the dark, he unscrewed the cap and gulped it down before he realized that was the lemonade that he had made especially for Qi Le An.

Yan Lang turned pale and with that his stomach started to rumble... ...

Qi Le An was woken up by the toilet flush this morning, he didn’t get up until he heard Yan Lang have made a few more trips to the bathroom.

“Yan Lang, what’s the matter with you?” asked Qi Le An, feigning surprise.

Yan Lang looked so pale, he put his hands on his belly and couldn’t even say anything.

“Shall we go to the hospital? Come on, let’s go!”

Yan Lang shook his head, but his stomach started to rumble again before he could reply, then he dashed to the bathroom.

Qi Le An sneered as he saw the lemonade on the table.

The evils you bring on yourself are the hardest to bear.

Qi Le An was well aware that Yan Lang couldn’t make it to the audition this day, so he left the dormitory after he said a few comforting words.

All the classes were canceled this day, Director Cui would do the casting at nine o’clock.

A few trainees were already in the training room when Qi Le An arrived at eight thirty, more trainees arrived one after another at nine. But there were about one third of trainees who couldn’t make it, they showed the same symptoms as Yan Lang.

Mr. Li counted head at nine, there were nineteen trainees who had made it.

The audition requirement was written on the white board, the trainees would perform in pairs, and there would be one trainee left who needed to do a one-man show.

Qi Le An didn’t make it to the audition in his last life, but he had heard the requiring requirement, a Demonic Beast disguised itself as the Spirit Beast and exchanged a few blows.

Soon the trainees started to look for partners and Qi Le An had no partner, he had to perform at last. But Qi Le An wasn’t worried at all, his classmates were well-trained as well, but he was very confident.

About an hour had passed when it was Qi Le An’s turn. The casting crew and the trainees were all very relaxed, the atmosphere was great, Director Cui even cast an encouraging glimpse at Qi Le An.

Qi Le An bowed to the judge panel and started his performance.

Mine was what the trainees had learned in their first year, having no partner actually had given Qi Le An an upper hand compared to other trainees who performed a complete clip. Plus Qi Le An also had so much more experience from his last life.

Director Cui and Mr. Li were talking when Qi Le An bowed to them, but they became engrossed as Qi Le An started, the full clip was about ten minutes long, none of the previous pairs had performed more than five minutes before someone on the panel stopped them, but the whole panel watched the whole show performed by Qi Le An.

“Great!” Director Cui was so surprised, “That’s genuinely so great!”

Qi Le An blushed with excitement, then he smiled at Director Cui, showing his two dimples, “Thank you so much, Director Cui!”

Director Cui laughed, Mr. Li looked satisfied as well.

Qi Le An was confident as he saw Director Cui’s reaction. Mr. Li asked him to come to the office in the afternoon as he had expected.

“An, are you confident in doing a good job with Bell, the Spirit Beast?” Mr. Li asked directly.

Qi Le An pretended he was shocked then he was ravished with joy, “I am! Of course I am Mr. Li!”

Mr. Li nodded, “Director Cui said you were a perfect fit, they can sign the contract with you in the weekend.”

Qi Le An’s face turned red with excitement.

Mr. Li’s facial expression changed, he spoke in a grave tone and with sincerity, “An, you are still young, remember to not get complacent as you have just got your first part. Do you have any family you can count on?”

Qi Le An took the hint, “Mr. Li, I will always keep your kindness in mind, thank you for your care!” with that he bowed to Mr. Li.

Mr. Li was rather satisfied.

Qi Le An then asked with a worried look, “Mr. Li, what should I do next?”

A meaningful smile flashed across Mr. Li’s face, “You just be a good boy and listen to me.”

Qi Le An replied promptly, “Of course I will listen to you, Mr. Li, I’m counting on you!”

Mr. Li’s smile got brighter, he said some more encouraging words to Qi Le An and Qi Le An performed ‘showing gratitude’ again and again. And he resumed the expressionless look as soon as he returned to his dormitory.

Yan Lang had already gone to the hospital. Qi Le An pulled out his mirror to train for his mask again, he looked at himself in the mirror, rather delicate features, big eyes like they could communicate with you, thin rosy lips. Qi Le An’s lips curled, a meek smile showed on his face with his eyes shaped like crescent moon and two dimples on his cheeks, he told himself to have this mask on before he was capable.

People tended to neglect the timid, and they would even show some care to the timid, that was exactly what Qi Le An needed at this point.

According to his contract with Glory Entertainment, the company would take a 80% cut from all of his revenues before he turned eighteen, and they would adjust the proportion after he turned eighteen, so that it would be more ‘thoughtful’.

Qi Le An didn’t plan to just take it, he would be the master of his own life, and he would change his contract!

Qi Le An sighed as he thought about his revenue, he wished Uncle wouldn’t squeeze him dry every month, but that was fine, he would deal with Uncle when it was necessary.

Qi Le An continued to train his facial expressions, smiles, sadness, surprise, fear... ...

Qi Le An was so glad that he got the part and he told himself it was his time to shine!

Wei Sama, Let's Stuff Them With Dog Food[1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora