96. A Drama

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Qi Le An was really excited.

Chu Chengyuan had his assistant following him all the way that day, so Qi Le An didn’t have to ask him to go back together. In the car, Qi Le An started gossiping, “How long will the enemy arrive?”

Chen Shan didn’t understand, “Do you want Chu Chengyuan to be fine or not?”

Qi Le An asked in reply, “What do you think?”

Chen Shan sneered and said, “I think… you brat have some ulterior motives. What did Chu Chengyuan do that offended you?”

Qi Le An was happy so he didn’t hide it from Chen Shan. He said, “I just dislike him. Do I have to explain?”

Chen Shan snorted.

“You didn’t mention when the legal wife of Chu Chengyuan’s father came over!” Qi Le An continued to ask.

It was half an hour’s ride from that day’s shooting location to the hotel, and Chen Shan was bored driving, so he said, “She’s indeed legitimate, so she won’t come personally.”

Qi Le An was suddenly disappointed.

After that day’s shooting, Chen Shan told him that he found out something about Chu Chengyuan. Beside Chu’s background, there were even more shocking things!

Chu Chengyuan was indeed an illegitimate child. Mrs. Chu already knew the existence of his mother and him. However, because Chu Chengyuan and his mother didn’t make any trouble, Mrs. Chu had turned a blind eye to them for so many years.

But when she suddenly found out that Chu Chengyuan’s mother was pregnant again, she couldn’t bear it anymore!

Mr. Chu was fifty-three that year. If Chu Chengyuan’s mother bore a child again, he would have a child at old age! Mrs. Chu couldn’t imagine if this child was a boy… her husband would even ask the two sons to return to the Chu family immediately!

What should she and her daughter do then? How about the Chu’s huge inheritance!

Mrs. Chu was enraged. She led many people to the Royal Villa Complex and smashed Chu Chengyuan’s door!

It was also because of this that Chen Shan’s mother got the news so quickly and she revealed Chu Chengyuan’s background to her son.

“Though the wife won’t come, her daughter is also not easy to deal with,” Chen Shan said slowly.

Qi Le An’s eyes brightened and he asked, “Is she brilliant?”

Thinking of the previous encounters, Chen Shan suddenly smiled bitterly and said, “Yep.”

Qi Le An laughed.

The mother was not convenient, so the daughter could pitch into the work. If the daughter had been smart, wouldn’t it be perfect if her mother and she could handle a person respectively?

What was more, under such circumstances, Chu Chengyuan would have no mood to shoot when he found it out!

Qi Le An’s guess was correct. Mrs. Chu smashed the mistress’s door in the afternoon and immediately called Chu Chengyuan.

Although he was like a bomb, he had behaved himself for so many years. After graduation, he didn’t turn to the company but put himself under the spotlight as an actor. In Mrs. Chu’s eyes, he was lowering his head to her!

The Chu family was notable, so Mrs. Chu didn’t find trouble with Chu Chengyuan for the time being. But who would know his mother and him would be so shameless? How dare she be pregnant at such an age?

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