51. Paid Posters

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Qi Le An got on the boat after he put on the life jacket, he was too embarrassed to raise his head.

He now finally knew why the staff member had that cunning smile on the whole time.

Qi Le An crossed his legs and didn’t want to speak anything about that.

‘What should I do? We just hugged so tightly, Wei Chang Feng must have sensed it!’

Qi Le An did not dare to look at Wei Chang Feng’s face. He wished he could hide in the lake!

“Oh, are you scared, young man?” The boatman asked.

Qi Le An permitted a dry smile.

Wei Chang Feng looked at Qi Le An with teasing written all over his eyes. After getting off the boat, Wei Sama comforted him, “Mmm… It’s just a normal physiological phenomenon. Don’t be afraid.”

‘Am I afraid? Do I look like I’m afraid! I am just embarrassed!’

‘Having a boner when I was being hugged tightly by my idol for the first time, I don’t know how my fellow fans are going to make fun of me!’

Seeing that Qi Le An was still embarrassed, Wei Chang Feng thought he was just too shy. He bought some popcorns and a SpongeBob SquarePants balloon to cheer Qi Le An up.

“Are you hungry? You wanna grab a bite somewhere?” asked Wei Sama.

The two of them had been playing like two kids the entire afternoon and both were already hungry that their stomachs began to rumble.

Qi Le An found the way Wei Chang Feng tried to cheer him up quite sweet and amusing at the same time. He took the popcorn and tied the SpongeBob SquarePants balloon to Wei Chang Feng’s arm.

The two of them walked out while having some popcorns. The lights were already on in the amusement park when they started to walk out. It was a rare opportunity for two successful actors like them to spend a whole day playing happily in an amusement park.

As they walked to the parking lot, Qi Le An suddenly said, “Damn it, we didn’t take the Ferris Wheel!”

Wei Chang Feng opened the car door and said, “The Ferris Wheel… You can give that a go when you are here with your girlfriend next time.”

For some reason, Qi Le An was a little unhappy and he pouted, “I won’t have a girlfriend.”

Wei Chang Feng looked at Qi Le An with a smile, “An is still young. You will wish for a girlfriend when you get older.”

Qi Le An suddenly asked, “Wei Sama is older than me, do you want to have a girlfriend?”

Both of them were stunned for a second.

Wei Chang Feng smiled and shook his head. Then he undid the SpongeBob SquarePants balloon from his arm and put it into the car, saying, “No, I don’t.”

“Why not?” Qi Le An couldn’t help but ask.

Wei Chang Feng said resignedly, “It’s not easy to meet someone you like…”

Wei Chang Feng drove the car out of the parking lot while Qi Le An sat in the passenger seat, lost in thought.

They had Shanghai food for dinner and Qi Le An had five bowls of rice. Seeing that, Wei Chang Feng said seriously, “Good job, An, this is how it’s done! ”

Qi Le An felt a bit shy after hearing that.

Both of them were going to fly back to Guang City the next morning, Wei Chang Feng drove Qi Le An to his apartment, and Qi Le An went upstairs with popcorn and the SpongeBob SquarePants balloon. When he was alone in the elevator, Qi Le An suddenly felt like he was Cinderella. When the bell rang at noon, he had to return to his life and face the reality.

Wei Sama, Let's Stuff Them With Dog Food[1]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ