28. Access Denied

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Qi Le An walked to the tracks where he would be supervised to run 10 kilometers, there was only one street lamp at the entrance, it looked somewhat horrifying.

A security guy in uniform walked to Qi Le An and asked provokingly, “You are Qi Le An, correct? Mr. Li just called me, I know what you have done.”

Qi Le An almost gasped on seeing the security guy, for he was such a great brawny brute of a man, Qi Le An thought he could be lifted by the man single-handed.

Qi Le An didn’t say a word, he just nodded at the security guy in silence.

“Ten kilometers, which is twenty-five laps on the track, don’t even try to shirk!”

Qi Le An turned around in silence, he was ready to get this over this.

Qi Le An had been working out since he and Wei Chang Feng jogged together that night, running was never his strong suit, but the workout had helped him in this.

With that being said, Qi Le An started to pant for breath after the sixth lap, his throat felt completely dry and he started to slow down.

The security guy shook his head disapprovingly, “Is that the best you can do? This is just your seventh lap!” his voice dripped sarcasm.

Qi Le An gnashed his teeth and started to speed up, he only had one thought in his mind that he wouldn’t be looked down on by the security guy and the force he represented for.

Moreover, Mr. Li would make a big fuss about his performance and come up with more excuses to torture him if he couldn’t complete the twenty-five laps.

Qi Le An refused to be beaten down, he was drenched in sweat and he couldn’t feel his limbs anymore, but he didn’t stop. He started to run like a robot and he didn’t even have the energy to keep track of how many laps he was on.

The security guy was impressed by the young man, he started to see Qi Le An differently, no trace of scorn could be seen in his eyes. He was told that the boy was punished due to disobedience, but he started to question the truth of the story.

The weakness in Qi Le An’s legs made him stumble when he finished the twentieth lap, with that he lost his balance and fell on the ground. The security guy sprang to his feet and checked Qi Le An’s heartbeat, he heaved a sigh when he was sure Qi Le An just fainted due to overexercise. He carried the young man on his back to send him to the doctor’s office, he was so surprised to find how light this young man was, it felt like he were just skin and bones.

Fainted trainees was nothing new to the doctors and the nurses in Glory, a nurse took them in and administered an IV drip of saline to Qi Le An, no one even bothered to ask the security what happened.

The security guy left Qi Le An after the nurses told him he was good to go, he wrote down ‘Completed’ on the sheet that recorded the details of Qi Le An’s punishment.

Slowly Qi Le An came to himself, he had no recollection of the part where the security guy carried him on the back and sent him to the doctor’s office. He asked in surprise when he opened his eyes, “Where am I?”

“You are awake, how are you feeling?” asked the nurse.

“I’m much better now.”

“All right, you are good to go then.” the nurse checked Qi Le An’s heartbeat and smiled.

Qi Le An checked the time, it was 4 a.m. already.

“Thank you so much for your care.” Qi Le An bowed to the nurse.\

The nurse chuckled, “You are a polite boy, aren’t you?”

“Can I pleases stay here for the rest of the night, it’s past curfew time now.”

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