90. One Night In The Same Room

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Wei Chang Feng left the hospital with Qi Le An after they got the prescription.

Gary didn’t come with Wei Chang Feng, so Wei Chang Feng took the driver’s seat this time, he helped Qi Le An sit on the passenger seat beside him. Wei Chang Feng turned on the heat for Qi Le An to keep him warm.

Before leaving the hospital, he even got his clothes from Wei Chang Feng. He didn’t ask Wei Chang Feng any question, he knew it must be Chen Shan who had given his clothes to Wei Chang Feng.

When they returned to the hotel, Wei Chang Feng put the thermos bottle on the table and said, “Just give Chen Shan a call and tell him you will stay with me tonight.”

Wei Chang Feng said that with studied understatement as if he did not know that they fought.

Qi Le An hesitated and Wei Chang Feng sighed.

Qi Le An suddenly felt so guilty. He scratched his head like a child who did something wrong and didn’t dare admit it.

Wei Chang Feng’s phone rang. He glanced at it and said, ” Gary is looking for me, excuse me for a few minutes, I will come back later.”

After saying that, Wei Chang Feng left.

In the end, Qi Le An gritted his teeth and dialed Chen Shan’s number.

After two or three seconds, the call was picked up. Qi Le An licked his lips and hesitated for a little while, he was about to open his mouth and apologize, but the call was hung up.

Qi Le An checked the phone in surprise and to make sure it wasn’t him who had accidentally touched the red button.

He called again, no one picked up!

Qi Le An thought to himself, ‘I’m in deep trouble this time, I’m so done! Chen Ge! Please forgive me!’

Chen Shan on the other side of the phone was about to explode with anger.

He didn’t expect Qi Le An, who he cared about so much, to say such words to him!

For a moment, he had an illusion that it was his child who pointed at his nose and scolded him, “You’re not my dad, get lost now.”

Chen Shan felt that he might have spat out blood if not for his sturdy stomach!

After he left the hospital, he drove around the streets angrily. He wondered what had possessed Qi Le An! He couldn’t come up with a reasonable explanation for what happened, he was so sulky.

Finally, he returned to the hotel in the hope to get some rest. Thinking that Qi Le An’s clothes were stained with blood, he couldn’t help but walk over to Qi Le An’s room.

And the next thing he did was picking a clean outfit for Qi Le An from his wardrobe!

‘Chen Shan! Wake up! What are you doing! You, young master Chen, no one talks to you like that! Why are you still thinking about him at this point!’

After five minutes of hesitation and contemplation, Chen Shan took out his phone and called Gary.

Three minutes later, Gary handed the phone to Wei Chang Feng, who had just finished filming.

30 Minutes later, Wei Chang Feng arrived at the entrance of the hotel and Chen Shan handed him the clean clothes without any expression.

Chen Shan waited for Qi Le An’s call, he actually looked forward to getting a phone call from Qi Le An and hearing that ‘I’m sorry.

Chen Shan waited and waited, and convinced himself to wait longer, but there was no call from Qi Le An.

Chen Shan took a deep breath and told him to calm down.

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