195. Old Friend

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Once Qi Le’an had set his goal, he began an intense study life.

Although he told everyone that he could do it, actually, he still felt a little bit laborious.

Every course of Tisch was very demanding. If Qi Le’an wanted to get an excellent result, he had to wholeheartedly devote himself into his studies. In the first month of shcool, he went to the library more frequently than he did in the past two years.

No matter when he was bathing or cooking, Qi Le’an had classic movies playing on his tablet all the time to watch and learn from.

Apart from that, he also needed to decide his way to graduate.

The graduation assessment of Tisch had two types, one was a graduation thesis, and the other was a graduation film. The school encouraged everyone to take the second way. However, a graduation film required far more work than a thesis.

Wei Changfeng chose the second one with no doubt for his graduation, but Qi Le’an chose the first one after careful consideration.

His strength was not in filmmaking, and his level of directing courses was also mediocre. Compared to being a director, he loved more to be a good actor.

He decided on the topic for his thesis, which would be a discourse on the relationship between contemporary opera actors and popular art for the masses.

Professor John agreed with Qi Le’an’s approach. In a school as free and inclusive as Tisch,choosing what worked for you was far better than choosing what looked good.

Therefore, in addition to completing his homework, Qi Le’an also went to the major theatres to investigate the real life of the current opera actors. Thanks to Dossey, he was able to get a full picture of their life.

“I didn’t expect you to start preparing for graduation so early,” Dossey was still the same big boy. He spoke while drinking and blinking his green eyes.

Qi Le’an smiled, “Because I want to graduate earlier. ”

“I’d say it’s you orientals who are more serious in studying! I remember when I was in high school, there was a Chinese guy in my class who got the first place in every subject.” Dossey said.

Qi Le’an was a little embarrassed and he said, “Actually, I’m just mediocre. Fynn is the real genius.”

Dossey had heard about the engagement between Qi Le’an and Wei Changfeng from his uncle Amco. He laughed, “People who fall in love with geniuses are always not much worse.”

Qi Le’an burst into laughter.

“By the way, we have a performance this weekend. Do you want to come?” Dossey asked Qi Le’an, “Amco might come to watch as well. If you come, let’s go for Chinese food when it’s over?”

Qi Le’an was a little hesitant, and Dossey saw it. He said, “I know you’re busy! It’s okay if you’re not available.”

“No… It’s just my friend from home is coming over this weekend. Or maybe next week? We can go eat together.”

“Okay!” Dossey’s eyes lit up, “What friend? Are you close? Can you ask him to bring a few packets of Latiao?”

Qi Le’an could not help but smile, “Of course.”

Dossey said with a happy and intoxicated face, “Latiao is really a world-class delicacy.”

The two of them drank some wine and ate a simple meal, and Dossey had the chauffeur take Qi Le’an back home. After returning home, Qi Le’an first poured the information recorded today into the computer. After that, he contacted Chen Shan.

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