97. Revenge

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Qi Le An didn’t expect that he would witness such a drama of the rich family.

Miss Chu was sent to the hospital by ambulance. The bodyguards were working for Mrs. Chu and immediately called the police. The police arrived in no time and got Chu Chengyuan into the police car.

Chu Chengyuan was expressionless throughout the whole time. He was still wearing the military uniform of Kuo Min Tang, but his entire body was covered with sticky blood. It was a hot summer day, and soon an overpowering stench prevailed in the police car.

After all the unexpected incidents, the shooting couldn’t continue. When Director Yang arrived at the scene, the most interesting part had ended. The police were taking Chu Chengyuan to the police car.

The director was dumbfounded and roared at the set for the first time, “What’s going on?”

Someone immediately explained what had happened to him. When the director heard the drama, he was so angry that blue veins stood out on his temples.

Chu Chengyuan’s assistant was nowhere to be found. Director Yang called Producer Cui with a long face.

There were plenty of smart people on set, such as Production Supervisor Jiang. He quickly ordered workers to clean up the mess. Jiang Xiaoyu seemed to be a little scared and asked Qi Le An, “An… will Chu Chengyuan be in trouble?”

Qi Le An thought happily that Chu Chengyuan was finally out of his sight, but he looked concerned and said, “I don’t know either…”

The drama which caused quite a sensation died down at noon. Chu Chengyuan’s assistant couldn’t be contacted, and his agent couldn’t rush over to help, and Producer Cui, who could recommend other actors, was away on a business trip. Director Yang was upset. He had no choice but to ask his Associate Director to bail Chu Chengyuan out. However, when the Associate Director arrived at the police station, he was told that Chu Chengyuan was not allowed to leave for the time being.

Although Miss Chu suffered an injury as small as one of her fingernails on her head, she still accused Chu Chengyuan of deliberate murder. Thus, the poor man was temporarily detained.

Everyone in the crew was shocked. Director Yang was helpless and had to give everyone half a day off.

Qi Le An, who had watched the drama for the whole morning, returned to the hotel and was shocked by Miss Chu’s tough style. Chen Shan looked calm and said, “Her tough style has been well-known in Hai City. When she was in high school, a man cheated on her. In the end…”

Qi Le An asked with great interest, “What happened?”

Chen Shan said with a troubled expression, “That man probably regrets being a man.”

Qi Le An imagined what happened to the man and then was terrified.

Miss Chu was determined to ruin Chu Chengyuan’s reputation. In the afternoon, news about Chu Chengyuan’s attempted murder spread like wildfire. Previously, everyone had been pleased to talk about the gossip of the rich lady, but as soon as the whole thing was related to “murder”, it was no longer gossip but a confirmed crime.

In less than half a day, all the crew of “The Disguiser” had heard about the “attempted murder”. The crew had to openly clarify that the attempted murder was nothing but a rumor and that the shooting would not be disturbed.

The next morning, Qi Le An was about to go to the set, but Production Supervisor Jiang noticed him that day’s shoot was canceled at the last minute.

When Chen Shan arrived at Qi Le An’s room at ten o’clock, the cynical expression on his face disappeared. Qi Le An looked at him and asked, “Is there big news again?”

Wei Sama, Let's Stuff Them With Dog Food[1]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora