Chapter 1

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None of this is fair, our lives aren't meant to be this way but they are. Ten of us put together and trusted to save the world? The universe?

I look around at us and wonder how on earth we'll win this, how I will lead this team to victory. I mean, that's what I am, a leader. I've been groomed to lead my whole life, as future alpha of the Ethereal pack, as the eldest daughter my parents are so proud of, and now, as a team leader to some of the most powerful supernaturals there are.

I'm trying my best to stay positive, but we all left so suddenly. What a thing to expect something to happen and know that it will only to still be shocked when it does. The faces of my team members are glib. They numbly follow alongside me silently as I struggle to keep a brave face. None of us are certain of what we are up against, we know that the being from Venstri is our enemy and that he can sway anyone with dark potential but beyond that knowledge, we're stuck. We don't know who Itri brought with him or how strong they are.

What we do is that Itri is waiting for us, for now, he's the predator and we are the prey who are dumb enough to waltz into whatever trap he has set for us. What else are we supposed to do?

"You're sure the queen will aid us?"

Adelaide's mate, Darcel, looked at me with a grimace annoyed at the question I've asked him at least ten times by now.

"Yes, Ara, she will aid us." He glanced at Adelaide whose eyes remained down while she was deep in thought.

She's worried, we all are. The queen only agreed to help us because of her. For some reason, a lot of supernaturals are obsessed with her. They say she is the key. . . or something? I'm not sure what that means, but I hope we find out soon because anything helps at this point.

"Carson, any changes?" I asked.

Carson unlocked his tablet, tapping into the satellite databases to see if Itri's ship moved at all. He looked up at me, shaking his head. I knew there would be no changes, I don't want there to be any.

"He's still hovering over the Amazon rainforest." He tells me.

My gaze flickers to Erin who has been muttering to herself since we arrived at our base, still worried about Carson's mother, Amaya. She was there when Amaya told her to go, Erin told us she wasn't sure if Amaya made it or not. I know Carson was trying to stay calm and look on the bright side of things, no one wants to believe their mother is dead though we all think otherwise.

It was hard on all of us when we learned that the S.F.S.B was destroyed, we all practically grew up there training, hanging out, or just being ourselves but thinking that we may never see that place again is unreal.

"So tell us," I walked closer to Darcel hoping to get information about him and his previous home, Terra Pax, "What should we expect once we get to the beach?"

Darcel held Adelaide's hand while he walked, helping her over small obstacles as we walked.

"Well, the queen will introduce herself and lead us into the sea. Her powers will allow us to pass through." He said.

"How exactly?" Carson asked, curious about how it's even possible.

"On her signal, we will simply follow her into the ocean and a kind of. . . air bubble will surround us to allow you all to breathe. I'm sure the path with lead us to the coast of Venezuela where we'll walk the rest of the way. Think of it like being in a submarine, there will be ocean life all around us, even Atlantides, the air bubble will act as a barrier between us and the water." He explained.

I nodded slowly, understanding. Under different circumstances, this would be kind of cool, but this is a mission.

"What about the pressure?" Halo chimed in, pulling Charm closer to his body obviously concerned for her safety but Charm's mind was elsewhere. At first, I thought it was the mission bothering her but it's more than that, I know it is. As her best friend, I wish she'd confide in me about it but there are more important things to worry about.

"It won't be an issue," Darcel answered. "It is magic that will help us pass through and it's magic that will keep us safe."

"We need to rest for a few, we've been walking for hours and I need to pee," Fallon said suddenly.

"We're almost there," I tell her.

She frowned, "And then what? How will I pee miles underneath the ocean with no cover?"

Darcel sighed, "There are places we can-"

"I'm going now, be right back." She walked off, while the rest of us slowed to a stop. We aren't just resting our bodies, but also our minds. Mentally, we are exhausted and though I'd never admit it to the others, I'm happy to finally have some kind of break after the past few days we've spent stressing and planning.

I was leaning against a random tree a few yards away from the others when tingles shot up my arm helping me to relax even more.


"Hey, how are you feeling?" His deep voice was soothing, helping my tense muscles relax just a bit relieving me temporarily from all the responsibility that surrounds me.

Closing my eyes, I shook my head, sighing softly.

"Overwhelmed?" He questioned softly.

I wrapped my arms around my abdomen, finding solace in the nature that surrounded me. Nature always calmed me, it's part of who I am and what I can do. It's almost like I am nature, I can feel everything. I can feel the shift of leaves before a storm, the vibrations of the roots underneath the soil, the humming of new growth sprouting up from the ground, I feel it all.

"Yeah," I whispered.

Feeling a sudden shift, I looked down at the ground watching as roses sprouted from the soil with abnormally large thorns growing from the stems, weeds not too far behind. I huffed in annoyance, and Evander chuckled.

"I don't find this funny," I grumbled.

"It's okay to be nervous, scared even," He tells me.

"I'm not scared." I snapped, glaring daggers at him.

He motioned to the ground, "Of course, you're not."

Gently, he took my hand in his, "I have faith in Xenna, her predictions always-"

"I think we need to get back to the others." I pushed past my mate, not wanting to hear anything else about the woman he idolizes.

"Ara. . ."

"Everyone ready?" I asked my team.

Everyone was set and ready to continue. I ignored Evander's stare, making my way to the front of the group.

Darcel pointed, "Over the ridge ahead is the beach, she's waiting for us."

I looked back at the faces I've known my whole life, hoping my expression doesn't match theirs. I am meant to look brave, and fierce, and so I shall. I straightened my back, continuing to walk.

"Then let's go."


It's been a while, but I'm back y'all!!!

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Much love:)

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