Chapter 14

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Ara was pacing around the fire, when she finally saw Charm and Halo emerge from the jungle hand in hand, Charms face tear streaked and Halo's face stoic, anger behind his eyes. Ara could tell they were arguing but Halo doesn't seem mad at her, he's mad about something else.

"I thought I was going to have to hunt you two down. Geez you scared me," Ara approached Charm, about to hug her friend when Halo pulled her away.

"Halo, what are you doing?" Ara asked him in annoyance.


Ara's eyes snapped to the side, smiling brightly when she saw Evander standing there, not smiling back but rather staring cautiously at Halo. The rest of her team appeared with the large group of people they saved from Itri and she went over to them making sure they were all okay, happy to be reunited.

She made her way back to her mate not even hesitating before she kissed him. He returned the kiss, but as soon as he pulled away his eyes stare returned to Halo. Ara looked between the two of them in confusion.

"Careful Ara, he's keeping secrets," Halo warned, putting Charm behind him.

Ara looked around and noticed the looks everyone was shooting at Evander. Fallon shook her head at him while Carson openly glared. Darcel made his way to Adelaide, and everyone just stood around silently.

"What are you talking about?" Ara snapped, not liking the attitude Halo's had since he's returned.

"Oh, you didn't know?"

Even Charm was confused by the conversation, waiting for her mate to continue.

"Know what?"

"Your mate has been keeping a few of Xenna's prophecies to himself, never bothering to warn anyone, not even you," Halo explained, taking a challenging step towards Evander.

Ara stepped in front of her mate protectively, growling, "Watch it, Halo."

Turning to face Evander, Ara stared at him in question waiting for him to confirm these allegations, not understanding.

"Evander, what does he mean?"

Evander locked eyes with Ara, his expression falling into one of guilt. He pulled out a crumbled paper from his back pocket handing it to Ara. He watched as her eyes filled with shock before being replaced with anger.

"What the hell is this?" She asked him loudly.

"It's a note that Xenna wrote about Charm's future," Evander said, averting his gaze.

"Tell her the rest," Halo demanded.

Evander closed his eyes shortly before looking at his mate once more, "She wrote one about Charm, Erin, Nysa, Adelaide and. . . you."

Ara backed away from him shaking her head, "What?"

"Xenna had the those given to your parents-"

"Wait our parents know about the notes?" Erin asked, not believing for a second her mother and father would keep something of this magnitude from them knowing that they have to fight Itri.

"They thought if you all knew, it would change the course of how things were originally supposed to play out," Evander muttered looking down.

"So you mean to tell me, my own mother knew I was destined to die and didn't bother warning me?" Charm asked in disbelief.

"I don't buy that." Adelaide shook her head.

"It's true, they knew but they also believed that we could win. That when the time came, the future could be changed, that no one had to die if we all worked together."

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