Chapter 7

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"I don't feel comfortable with this," Darcel muttered into my hair holding me close. I leaned into his warm embrace, savoring his touch.

We, along with the rest of our team, were saying our goodbyes before we part and it was heartbreaking. Splitting up was never discussed before and we never thought we'd have to.

"I know, but it's only one week which is more than enough time to do what we need to do. I believe in this team." I tell him, kissing him softly. He responded to the kiss as always, pulling me closer. He leaned back, running a hand across my cheek.

"I don't know Adelaide, the two people Itri wants most are now on one team going straight towards him, do you really think it's wise?" He asked me.

I smiled to mask my nerves, holding his hands in mine, "We can do this Darcel, please have faith in me."

He sighed heavily, "I always do."

Everyone was bidding their final goodbyes to one another, trading bags and resources evenly so each team could be prepared for whatever they come across. We all faced each other, knowing this was it. In one week we will have succeeded in our mission and reunite at our meeting spot.

This will work, it has to.

"One week," Ara said, smiling sadly at her mate, nodding at everyone else before turning around and walking away.

Just like that, we went our separate ways. We weren't that far from the Amazon, both our teams were headed to the same jungle just different sides, but I know they'll be okay. With Fallon, there's no way the animals or other creatures will be a threat but I can't say the same thing about us.

We walked for hours, not saying much but I'm sure we are all thinking about the others and how they're fairing. Ara, Charm and I separated from our mates, we have a bond with them so we know they're alive and well. Nysa and Erin don't have mates but I'm sure Erin is worried sick about Carson, and Nysa for her brother.

"I'm sure Itri will have the perimeter around his ship surrounded, so we need to be prepared for that," Ara said, making notes on the map she was holding.

"So," I started, looking to Nysa. "How exactly do we do this?"

"Do what?" She asked.

"Free Itri's power source. Since this person is his main source that Itri has latched onto, this is also the individual whose head I need to get into since it will be Itri's memories inside. So I'm thinking, when we get to the ship, you and I teleport up there and while I take care of Itri, you disarm and destroy the ship from within," I tell her.

Nysa nodded, "Well in that case, Ara needs to come too since I can't exactly blow a ship up from within." She chuckled. "I'll be fine, but Ara would need to put a forcefield around you and the individual to keep you safe."

I smiled, "Yeah, blowing up wouldn't be fun I guess."

"I'm down." Ara said from the front.

We remained walking, and I noticed that Charm fell a bit behind, biting her nails nervously. She was muttering to herself, looking more worried than I've ever seen her. I fell back so I could walk with her, but she didn't notice me.

"Hey," My voice was soft but Charm still jumped.

"Oh, hi," She whispered. Before I can even ask her what was wrong she said, "He took my backpack."

I raised an eyebrow, "Who?"

"Halo. He took my backpack and I have his." She said to me nervously.

"Okay? If this is about feminine products, I have-"

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