Chapter 13

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Everyone was on edge. Our families are here under Itri's control, Nysa is in the ship, Calista left last night to get our team and the rest of us are a mess. We tried again to go to the ship, but none of us really had it in us to hurt our families, we couldn't.

They're the best of the best at combat and the only way to beat them and get through their strong perimeter is to kill them which is something we'd never do and Itri was counting on it. The longer Nysa is in there, the more danger she's in. She's angry and she wants blood and when she's determined to do something, she won't ever stop, she's very stubborn.

Of course she could have easily teleported out of there, but like I said, she's stubborn.

I suddenly received goosebumps by the sudden shift in the weather and my eyes instinctively looked up, noticing the lightening illuminating the sky. My first thought was that is was Nysa considering she can control the elements and the weather but when I saw the pattern of the lightening and the way my heart was beating erratically I knew it wasn't her.

It was him.

Calista succeeded and Halo was on his way.

The rest of my team started to realize the same thing as me and they all sighed in relief, especially when we saw Halo descending from the sky with Calista in his arms. I smiled, standing up and running over to them, happy he was here to help.

Once he landed, Calista ran off straight to the others and I stepped into his line of sight. He looked me over quickly, before he visibly relaxed but I could tell something was wrong. He didn't return my smile, he didn't move toward me and in that moment I knew. I knew that he found it, that he read it, and that he was furious with me.

"Halo, where is everyone?" Ara asked quickly, confused that it was only him.

"They're coming, it'll be a while though," He snapped at her unexpectedly. I didn't understand that and neither did Ara but she looked between the two of us oddly before walking away.

Halo shook his head at me, walking straight past me into the surrounding forest. I watched him for a few seconds when he stopped and turned to me, his eyes changing color in anger.

"Let's go," He snapped.

I sighed, looking down at my feet, starting to follow him. He's mad at me, the one thing I didn't want him to be on this mission was worry about me and look what happened. I should have known better, I shouldn't have brought the note but I had to, I don't know why. I was hoping that one day I would look at it and it would somehow change and the words wood rearrange themselves revealing something different than what it read.

We walked for about ten minutes, him leading and me a few paces behind when he stopped walking. I stopped too, not getting too close, knowing he needs his space. He needs to think, he doesn't know what to say and neither do I.

My heart is racing, I don't want to talk about this. I wanted us to reunite after our victory that might never happen, I was hoping that this note would never need to be found, but I was stupid and naive for thinking that way.

My emotions were getting too much for me and I don't want to be here with him discussing this, not with everything going on. I turned around, starting to head back, tears falling down my face. I can't do this, not here, not with him, not now.

He landed right in front of me from the air before I could make it fifteen feet, I kept my eyes down not wanting to see the pain and betrayal on his face.

"Charm, why?" Is all he asked.

I didn't answer, I didn't even know what to say. I just continued to stand there, crying silently, looking dumb.

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