Chapter 6

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After what happened during the night, the team remained vigilant, on high alert of their surroundings.

Erin sat at the edge of their camp, sharpening all of her knives she brought with her. The young aeterian has always had a knack for throwing weapons and rarely misses her target.

"Erin?" Carson has tried many times to approach her but she turns him down every time.

"I'm busy."

Carson sighed, "I know, you've been saying that for hours."

"Then maybe you should get the hint." Erin snapped.

Carson frowned, growing angry, "Erin, whatever you saw, it wasn't me. You're acting like I did something to you."

Erin paused what she was doing, shaking her head.

"It's not that I just. . ." She huffed, continuing what she was doing. "Just leave me alone, please?"

"Carson," Halo placed a hand on his friends shoulder, "I can really use your help with something."

Carson stood, continuing to look at Erin but when she didn't look up at him he grunted in annoyance and stomped off with Halo.

Ara was trying to formulate a plan with Nysa and Charm while the rest of their crew gathered supplies or did their own thing, the girls would fill them in when they all came back.

"So once we enter the Amazon, we'll get a better view of his ship. Finding him might be a bit harder since we don't know what he looks like." Ara looked at Nysa for more information.

"He doesn't have a true form." Nysa explained to them. "His soul was imprisoned, not his body. He can be anyone he chooses."

Ara rubbed her temples.

"Well, what if we entrap his soul again?" Charm suggested.

"There's an idea," Ara muttered.

"And how exactly do we do that?" Nysa raised an eyebrow.

"Well you're able to control stars like your mother." Charm said.

"Yeah, but I'm not a spellbinder, only a constellation spellbinder can do it." Nysa said quietly. "I don't even have a chance to become one because of the darkness I was born with."

"You don't know that," Ara said grabbing her hand, "Itri was one and he has darkness too."

"And look what he has become." Nysa replied.

"You were the one who said no one is born evil," Charm smiled at her. "He wasn't always darkness or he wouldn't have been able to be the spellbinder to begin with."

"Yeah, but I've always had darkness, Charm." Nysa told her.

"Oh. . ."

"Okay, well maybe. . . um. . ." Charm didn't know what to say.

"We have no way to stop him." Nysa concluded, clenching her fists. The air around them shifted, the wind picking up swirling around them violently.

"Woah, what's going on?" Halo emerged from the forest carrying rocks, sticks and vines, Carson at his side.

"Nysa, it will be okay." Charm reached out to Nysa but once her hand touched Nysa's, she got burned. Charmed hissed in pain pulling her hand back.

Halo was at his mates side in an instant, glaring at his sister, "C'mon Nysa, relax."

"I can't. How will we beat him? He has no true form, mom's not here to trap him, we can't spend the rest of our days fighting his minions so what do we do?" Nysa asked, her powers getting more intense with every word.

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