Chapter 4

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The next morning, the team awoke to the most unusual sight. Adelaide was the first to open her eyes, she was shocked and instantly tapped Nysa her was lying near her to wake her as well.

Nysa groaned before opening her eyes, a growl instantly at the back of her throat.

"Um, Darcel?" Adelaide shook her mate, biting her lip, not once taking her eyes off of the sight before her.

"Huh? What's wrong? Are you okay?" He sat up instantly but when he noticed Adelaide's eyes were focused on something behind him, he turned around and growled under his breath, standing instantly.

Normally, he'd greet his fellow Atlantides, but with Itri here on earth able to take control of almost anyone, he can't take that kind of chance.

The team all awoke one by one, still protected by the air bubble under the ocean. Through the water's wall, Atlantides hovered on the other side, staring curiously them, never seeing land-walkers this close before, especially this close to their home.

"I didn't realize how close we were to Terra Pax," Darcel muttered, watching his people closely.

They looked just like humans, but their features were more sharp, their eyes more focused. Although their hair and skin tones came in all shades and colors, they were all more pale than the people who live on land due to lack of vitamin D since they live so deep in the ocean.

"Shouldn't they have tails or something?" Halo asked. Evander snorted, while Darcel rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"They're not mermaids dumbass," Carson grinned.

Halo put his hands up, "Hey, how was I supposed to know? I mean. . . are mermaids. . . you know?"

"Are you about to ask if mermaids are real?" Charm asked her mate amusedly.

"Well I mean, I didn't even know these guys existed until Darcel came along," Halo tried to defend himself, but everyone was laughing now.

"They won't be any trouble." Darcel concluded. "They may follow along with us for a bit out of curiosity, but they'll eventually stop. Most of them have never seen humans before."

"We're not human." Carson said.

"Land-walkers," Darcel corrected, gathering his things.

"Well, just stay vigilante, you never know when things can take a turn for the worst so just keep an eye out." Ara announced, continuing the path created for them.

They continued on for hours, and as expected, the Atlantides eventually stopped following along. The closer they got to their destination, the less sea life they encountered.

"It's like an underwater ghost town," Erin whispered, moving closer to the middle of the path rather than near the wall of the water that surrounded them.

"Itri did all of this? Just his presence can scare life away?" Evander asked softly, searching through the water to see at least, something, anything, a fish, hell, a shrimp at this point.

"Yes," Nysa whispered, guilt lacing her tone. "My mother told me that Itri was once a spellbinder like her."

"Seriously?" Evander asked surprised, "I thought spellbinders couldn't have dark potential."

"They can't. . . or maybe they can. . . I don't know," Nysa shrugged. "Itri is able to manipulate darkness in anyone. A single terrible thought can be changed and used against a person. My mother said that something must have happened to him to make him this way, that darkness isn't born but made. Alioth never really gave in to those ideas, he says there is no excuse for the terrible things people do." Nysa explained, pressing her lips together.

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