Chapter 16

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Ara, Adelaide and Charm made their way aboard the ship silently, the door was already open meaning Itri was expecting them, it also meant this wasn't going to be easy. It was eerily quiet, the only sound was the buzzing from the tech that surrounded them along the walls of the ship, tech they've never seen before. It was all so, alien.

Ara walked ahead, keeping her eyes and ears peeled for anything out of the ordinary. The air felt like it was vibrating, it felt wrong. Itri has Nysa, he could have left by now, Nysa could have left the ship at any point with her teleportation but she didn't and Ara couldn't understand why.

The vibrating got more intense, and all three girls felt it in their chests, freezing in fear while they looked at each other in confusion.

"I don't like this," Charm whispered.

Just as the words left her mouth, the ship jolted and they all faltered on their feet, crouching down. It was the sound of an explosion that made them realize what had happened.

Itri was firing.

That was when they started to hear it, the frantic screams from outside.

"Oh my god," Adelaide put a trembling hand over her mouth.

The ship shook again and again to the point of all three of them falling to the floor violently. Ara stood up on shaky legs, growling under her breath.


They started running down the hallway with no true destination. They didn't know where they were going or what they were going to do but they had to so something. This is it, they are on the enemy's ship and they weren't leaving until they completed their mission.

"Wait!" Charm stopped in front of a large metal door, using her powers to unlock it. She pushed it open, revealing a very large room full of screens that showed. . . everything.

"Holy shit," Ara muttered walking in, her eyes wide with horror.

On the screens showed pictures of their parents, though they looked a lot younger like they were taken at different years. There were pictures of their team, of the Amazon, of different major places on each of the seven continents. There was live footage of the terrible things happening around the world.

Wars have started, bombs were being detonated, people running through the streets, fire everywhere, just everywhere.

"Oh my god, it's like the fucking end times," Charm stated.

"Look," Adelaide breathed out, pointing to one of the screens.

"Is that. . . Xenna?"

They huddled around the screen, watching the video in real time, not believing their eyes.

They listened to the audio, watching the video play.

"-She isn't like them! I thought her team would be enough to keep her darkness at bay and not just that, I thought their parents would give them the notes I wrote so they would know what to avoid. I didn't see it and I should have, maybe if I can-"

"She meant for us to see the notes." Charm whispered, shaking her head, "We were supposed to know."

"Then why didn't she just tell our parents that?" Ara asked in confusion, "She easily could have told them, why didn't she?"

"All we can do now is hope that this team will somehow see the error and correct it," A women told Xenna in the footage.

"What error?" Adelaide asked, the ship rattled again making the video glitch slightly.

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