chapter 36

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*final chapter*
dakota's p.o.v

"merry christmas!" i yell at lucy as my eyes open and i realize what day it is. she groans, turning around and trying to ignore me. "wake your ass up!"

"baby what time is it?" she mumbles.

"it doesn't matter! it's christmas. wake up!" i hit her with a pillow and jump out of bed, ripping the blanket off jade's body as i run to the bedroom door. "you wake your ass up too. come on!" i yell at her too.

i run into the room where kenzie, hunter, and kira are and turn the lights on. kenzie seems to wake up from the bright light alone and she covers her face with the blanket.

"guys it's christmas!" i say excitingly, tugging kenzies arm as she almost rolls off the bed. hunter yawns next to her and opens his eyes to look at the alarm clock.

"no offense dakota but its seven o'clock in the morning." he says to me.

"for the last damn time, that doesn't matter. let's go open gifts!" i tug onto kenzies arm too hard without realizing and she stumbles off the bed.

"asshole." she mutters. i help her up off the floor, giggling in the process.

"sorry sorry. come on." i pull her out of the room, not bothering to acknowledge kira. i see lucy and jade coming out of the other room looking tired as ever but oh well. what do i care?

we all go downstairs, seeing our moms are already awake on the couch. i quickly go over to the tree we put up the other day and look at all the presents. wow!

"good morning." my mom says to me and everyone else.

"merry christmas." i say to her. she kisses my forehead and gives me a quick hug. "okay everyone take a seat on the couch and i'll hand out the presents." i tell everyone the plan. everyone sits on the couch except lucy, who comes to sit next to me.

she kisses my cheek, smiling at me. "you're the cutest." she tells me. i shake my head, disagreeing as i start picking up presents.

"everyone ready?" i ask. they all nod as i watch hunter trying to keep kenzie awake. kira and jade sit next to each other, not saying a word.

"do all you kids first." my mind recommends. i nod.

i pick up a big present, seeing it's to kenzie from hunter. i hand the box over to kenzie who looks at it. she smiles, glancing over at her boyfriend before ripping it open. we all watch her intensely.

she takes out a pair of pajama pants from a box that have the grinch on it and then she pulls out another pair. "oh my gosh matching pants!" she squeals, throwing hunter his pants as she examines hers. we all laugh.

she digs into the box again and this time, pulls out what looks like a teddy bear but it's made out of roses. the roses are a beautiful red color and the bear is so well made. kenzie pouts at it cutely as she looks at hunter. he smiles at her, seeing how happy she is.

"this is beautiful." she says to him. he nods, looking a little nervous now. "thank you." she kisses his cheek.

"keep going." he says, his cheeks blushing. she puts the teddy bear down and takes out the last thing that was laying in the box. it's a small jewelry box.

she opens it, her eyes widening at it as she covers her mouth with her hand. she looks over at hunter who takes the box out of her hand and gets off the couch to kneel in front of her.

i stand up now, realizing what he's doing. that's no promise ring!

"babe...mackenzie, i hope this isn't too early to ask you this." he holds up the box with the ring in it at her. she looks over at her moms and then me, her emotions spilling out all at once. her tears pouring out. "will you-"

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