chapter 5

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dakota's p.o.v

the next morning i woke up with the alarm on my phone going off. i roll over and groan, smacking my phone off of the side table. i lean over the bed and grab it, shutting off the alarm.

i stretch and get out of bed, seeings it's eight o'clock. jeez, you'd think it's 5 am with the way i just reacted to get up. i see aubrey rubbing her eyes gently, removing her hands and looking at me with sleepy eyes.

"you have class soon?" she asks, yawning. i nod, picking out a cute outfit from my closet. i've got to make a good first impression in this place.

"in an hour." i tell her, holding my clothes in my hand. i pick up a bag filled with bathroom supplies and slip it on my arm. "i'm going to shower, be back soon." i tell her. she nods, rolling over again. i guess her classes don't start until a little later.

after i took a quick shower, i got dressed and brushed my teeth. i gather everything i took with me and make my way back to my room. i unlock the door and walk in, now seeing aubrey is up and on her phone.

i drop my bag in the floor, taking out a brush and brushing my hair. i walk over and grab my phone, texting lucy to make sure she's up. i send a quick message to kenzie saying hi as well. then, i give my mom a quick call saying hi and how college has been so far. she tells me to have a good day and i hang up.

"how did you sleep?" i hear beside me. i look over at her and smile, putting my phone back down.

"good." i reply. "you?" i walk over to grab a pair of vans, sitting down on my bed and lifting one foot.

"me too, very peaceful." she says, chuckling a little. i finish putting on my shoes and nod, agreeing. it was peaceful at my house too when i slept but maybe it wasn't for her.

i hear my phone ding. i pick it up to see lucy texted me, telling me she's ready. i take my phone off of the charger and grab my backpack with everything i need in it. i also carry an extra book that didn't fit in my bag.

"see you later, aubrey." i say as i head for the door. she waves, getting out of bed with a low high pitched groan.

"have a good first day." she smiles nicely. i give her a thumbs up, half way out of the door.

"you too." i say before leaving the room and shutting the door. i make sure my room key is in my pocket before making my way down the hallway.

i stop at lucy's room, knocking on the door softly a few times. the door immediately opens and before i can say anything, i realize it's not lucy. it's another girl. she looks at me, up and down. "who are you?" she asks with no expression.

"i'm dakota." i say nicely, now knowing what lucy means when she said her roommate was a total witch. the girl in front of he keeps her hand on the doorknob, looking ready to slam the door in my face.

"why are you here-"

"dakota!" i hear from deep into the room. i finally see my girlfriend pop up behind the girl who answered the door. i wave at her, seeing how adorable she looks in her crop top sweatshirt. "sorry jade, i should of told you she was coming so we could walk to class together." lucy looks at jade with an apologetic look. i don't know why she's apologizing, she did nothing wrong.

the girl, jade, turns her head to look at lucy. she nods, moving away from the door before taking one last good look at her. oh.

"good morning." i ignore jade and smile at lucy. she comes closer to me, grabbing my free hand and intwining our fingers.

"morning baby." she says, winking at me. i notice jades body in the background do a 180 as fast as lightening. she looks from lucy, to me, and back to lucy.

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