chapter 13

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dakota's p.o.v

a week passes and it's been pretty normal. aubrey is friendly but sort of distance ever since our conversation about my essays and her liking me. i'm not complaining either, i'd rather stay out of her way.

work has been a bitch, three essays this week along with other organizers and packets. lucy and i have face timed at night even though we are down the hall from each other. but we don't want to disturb our roommates with each other.

lucy and i are all good, our one year is coming up faster and faster. i'm still thinking of what i want to do and what i want to buy her. maybe i can ask kenzie for advice.

jades quiet as always. lucy hasn't told me much about her. there was a party last night because it was friday but lucy didn't go. jade did, which is why i stayed in lucy's room a while and we studied.

now it's saturday and i just finished my only class today. it went by quick, didn't get any work thank gosh! i don't need anymore work piling on top of what i already have to do.

i put the key in the door of my room and open it, seeing aubrey isn't in here. i close the door behind me and pull out my phone. lucy had a class earlier so she's been hanging in her room reading a book for a class. i give her a quick text telling her i'm done and if she wanted to meet up.

she texts back 'sorry can't. stay in your room please' and i look at my phone confused. usually she always wants to meet up so we can hang out. and why would she tell me to stay in my room?

i shrug it off, texting back 'okay' and shutting my phone off. i take a seat on my bed and pull out my computer. i lean my head against the wall, laying in a comfortable position with my laptop on my bed.

i decide to give my mom a call so i pick up my phone and do just that. it takes a few rings but she finally picks up. "sweetie! hey." she says right when she picks up.

"hi mom. how's everything?" i ask her while i type in my password to my computer.

"oh all is well here. it's lonely without you." she says and i can just see her pout over the phone. i chuckle.

"i'm sure it is. i miss you." i tell her, sighing.

"i miss you. how's school and everything?" she asks.

"same old. lots of work but lucy and i get through it." i say to her and i hear her giggle.

"that's great..umm." she says quickly and then paused for a second. "i want to tell you something." her words start becoming shaky and i get nervous, sitting up in my bed.

"what is it?" i ask sweetly. she doesn't say anything for a moment but i just wait. i bring my hand up to my face and start biting my nails anxiously. "you can tell me anything." i say to reassure her anything she tells me will be okay.

"so you know after your father passed, i haven't thought about being with anyone else at all for a long time." she starts. my eyes widen. hearing her talk about being with someone else except my dead father frightens me a little. of course i want her to be happy but i think that frightens every child.

"yeah." i gulp, wanting her to continue.

"well recently i've been talking to someone and i just don't want you to get mad or think anything will change." she says. my jaw drops as i cover my mouth with my hand.

"mom you know i wouldn't be mad, you deserve happiness and love." i say to her. i hear her sniffle as a small cry comes from the phone. "no no, don't cry." i say, pouting and closing my eyes. "who is he? how did you meet?" i ask in a soft tone.

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