chapter 10

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dakotas p.o.v

"dakota listen to me. please." kenzie pleads over the phone as we facetime.

"i'm listening." i sniff, wiping my nose with a tissue.

i'm sitting in my room alone at the moment, it being around 6 o'clock in the evening. during classes today, lucy and i really didn't even say two words to each other. it hurt deep down but at the same time i didn't really want to talk to her. so clearly she didn't want to talk to me either.

i still couldn't understand her thinking and i feel like in a way she understood that. she didn't know what to say to me. she looked a bit upset during our 2 classes together which is why i'm glad my 3rd class was alone. i couldn't see that look on her face anymore.

"arguments are normal-"

"i understand that." i cut her off, throwing my tissue to the side. my face wet and red from tears. i have my phone against a pillow in front of me as my best friend gives me a sad look. "but i can't stop her from going to parties and she has no one to go with."

"d you work your ass off on all of your assignments. don't you think you could use a party every once and a while?" kenzie asks, tilting her head over the phone.

"the last time i went to a party i felt heart broken. i don't understand how it's fun to get so drunk you can't even find your way back to your room." i shake my head, hearing kenzie chuckle.

"fine..don't worry about the parties then right now. talk to lucy and make up. you don't have to apologize to make up but just talk to her. ask her about jade." she tells me gently. i nod, wiping my face with my hands.

"tonight?" i ask, needing to know if it's too fast or not. i'm not good at this usually.

"yeah. invite her to your room." she says. i sigh, looking around.

"what if aubrey comes back soon?" i ask her. she shrugs, grinning at me.

"i'm sure she's got friend. she'll give you come privacy."kenzie snickers and i nod, rolling my eyes.

"i hope." i groan, hearing a door open from over the phone. kenzie looks over and her face turns pink. i finally see hunter turn up behind her. he waves.

"hey dakota." he smiles, giving his girlfriend a kiss on the lips.

"hey hunter. how's school and football?" i ask him. he chuckles.

"it's going good, thanks. you?" he kisses the side of kenzie's head, making her giggle.

"schools good i guess. glad everything is going good there." i say back. i shut my mouth once i see hunter grab kenzie's waist and pick her up from her bed. i hear her squeal and laugh. well okay then.

"tell me how it goes with lucy." kenzie's head pops back into the frame. "don't worry about jade. don't worry about aubrey. sort of embarrassed if you ask me, you and lucy are inseparable." she blows a kiss and grabs her phone, smiling at me.

"i will. bye. love you." i say to her. i hear another kissing sound before the call ends. i shake my head and scoff, throwing my phone on bed. "sure yeah, don't let me interrupt." i say to myself before getting off my bed and stretching.

i almost jump at the door opening, seeing aubrey walk in. i give her a small smile, feeling embarrassment rush over me. i feel bad asking her to leave her own room for my sake.

"hey dakota. how's everything?" she asks, setting she starbucks drink down and throwing her bag on her bed.

"still the same. i actually wanted to talk to now." i say, fiddling with my fingers. she nods, taking out her computer and taking a seat on her bed.

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