Chapter 1 - ''I will kill you.''

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The vicious knocks on his front door were impossible to ignore. All he wanted to was to sleep after the constant travelling he had done these past few days. Besides, this entire change of scenery wasn't fair to him, but it wasn't as if his say even mattered. Sleeping was the only illusion of being in his old bed, in his old home with parents.

Not alone in this brand new apartment.

"Open this god damn door—!"

"Alright Aunt Judy, stop screaming," he grumbled, dragging his feet to the front door, barely able to even widen his eyes, still puffy from the long night sleep. He hadn't even thought to put on a shirt, but he didn't really care since technically, this was his home.

Although, he knew she would say something about it. "Get those pecs out of my face," Aunt Judy scoffed before storming past him, heading towards the kitchen. She revealed two BLT sandwiches and he rolled his eyes when he saw her plop a bottle of Jack Daniels on his kitchen counter.

He glanced towards the time on his microwave. "It's eleven am."

"Nate, it's almost lunch time, we're late," she cracked a smile, pulling his cabinet with all the shot glasses she had bought him, even though his parents had forbidden her to do so. "It's your first day in town alone—that's grounds for drinking all day."

He exhaled a long groan, rubbing his eyes and sending his fingers through his ginger curls. They were spiralling out of control from the long sleep, strands falling from every sides in massive disorientation, and the fingers rubbing them each direction weren't helping. All he wanted to do was jump back onto his bed, but he knew Aunt Judy would never allow that to happen.

"Well come on," she pushed the shot glass towards his end of the counter, twisting the liquor cap before filling it to the rim. "We have to get going."

He raised an eyebrow; he had no plans on leaving the house today. Besides, not only was it Sunday, but tomorrow, he was starting at a brand new school as a senior. He was never the best in making friends and needing to go through the awkward phases where he had to explain to stranger who he was and why he changed schools, was not something he looked forward to do. Even worse, none of his friends from back home had even called him or messaged him, as if he never mattered to them.

All of these emotions were causing unnecessary squeezing on his heart, which only caused his fingers to clasp around the shot glass as he tilted his head backwards. The liquor fell onto his tongue, gliding to his throat and stinging the inside of his mouth that his face wrinkled. His entire family had always been huge drinkers but he was the one a little more different than the rest.

For them, it seemed as if drinking was their favourite hobby which he found odd but attempting to explain to his father that drinking half a little of Jack Daniels every night would damage all his insides, was nearly impossible. Even attempting to describe how wine can start affecting one's body if it's drank every singly night of the week without fail, was not a topic his mother ever wanted to hear.

The worse part was that they weren't even the worse of it. The worse stood right in front of him, at eleven thirty in the morning, already taking her fourth shot and it had only been two minutes, not even.

"You need to slow your ass down auntie," Nate chuckled, watching her pour herself her fifth glass without waiting for him. "Mom would cuss you out if she knew of this."

"And that is why," she raised her glass, waiting for him to clank them together before downing the shot, winking at him, "you're not going to tell her."

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