Chapter 146 - "I can't stop staring at you because you're so mesmerizing."

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"I was fucking helping y—would you stop hitting me?"

Jake tried to tear apart the firm grip of Lucius that wrapped around the collar of his dress shirt, but he couldn't in time to dodge the knuckles that slammed into the side of his face. As much as his body quivered in fear when confronted by Lucius, there was a tug of war between fright and anger, believing that he had done nothing wrong as he was helping someone that had been visibly irritated from an unwanted flirtatious encounter.

But reasoning with Lucius had never been easy.

"You looked like you were going to fucking kill her." Jake began to fume, not wanting to be taken lightly by his troop members, especially Lucius who was much taller and had a wider build, but nonetheless he wanted to prove that he couldn't be hit around as if he was a mere punching bag. "I did you a favour."

"You made me look like a fucking idiot," he growled through gritted teeth, pulling his knuckles back and aiming them directly into the middle of Jake's stomach, causing a gush of air to be expelled from his lungs. That was all Lucius had done; locked the bathroom door and start pounding on him as if he was a measly little kid. "You think I need your help?"

"No I—Lucius, I'm not fighting back because I get why you're mad," Jake hissed through a low tone, "but if you keep hitting me, we can fucking fight—alright then, let's go." Lucius hadn't listened to a word he said, and instead jammed him with another right hook, and although Jake had successfully raised his forearm and stopped it, the fear had completely dissipated from his body and overwhelmed with fury.

As for Lucius, he never was one to back down from a fight, regardless of how redundant it was, and backed up enough to watch Jake unbutton his dress-shirt and tear it off his upper body, revealing the plain white shirt underneath. "I'll give you a proper fight then, since you want to fight so bad."

A smirk lengthened Lucius lips as he reached for his bun, pushing the loose strands within and broadened his shoulders. "I'm not like the others; I don't stop fighting until I kill."

"Then kill me then." Jake threw his hands in the air, cackling in disbelief as he observed Lucius's face furrow even more. "Go ahead, try to kill me for being there for you."

Lucius lunged forward, his knuckles prepared for an attack as he bellowed, "You're wrong. I'll kill you for being stupid."

"I was..." he dodged the punch, "...helping you." Even though he told himself he would fight back, there was a resistance in his brain that he couldn't unleash, which caused the second punch to be undetected and it landed at the side of his ribs, projecting him towards the wall where he slammed his head against the tiles. "And I fucking apologized...shit, my head hurts."

"Why the fuck did you think I needed help in the first place?!" Lucius was not lighting up; he relished fights regardless of their reason. Hence, as Jake was leaned over, his hand on his forehead as he attempted to settled the fogginess that invaded his brain, Lucius was preparing his knee to connect directly with his head, which would knock him unconscious instantly if it landed.

However, the next sentence that escaped Jake's lips had been filled with overpowering rage and shock that even Lucius paused, his mind attempting to make sense of the words the repeated over and over in his brain.

"I was fucking jealous!"

It didn't make sense to Lucius, his eyes sharpening even more as he stumbled backwards from Jake. Finally, Jake felt the dizziness in his brain settle as he straightened his spine, returning his gaze to lock with Lucius—that was when he realized the burgundy irises were quivering in confusion. Although Jake had wanted to hide it, he couldn't anymore because this beating was not worth the secrecy, but he hadn't expected for it to be revealed today. He inhaled a sharp breath, trying to boost enough confidence to reveal the truth to the man taller than him that he had to tilt his head backwards to meet his eyes.

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