Chapter 51 - He Can't Be Dead

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"I don't understand why you had to be the one to drive."

"Who taught you how to drive?" Tyler glanced towards him in the passenger seat with his eyebrows furrowed so deep that his irises were covered. He had his arms folded and she was surprised by how the thickness of his muscles could barely fit in the seat. His height didn't help either, since his hair was practically touching the roof and he had to crouch downwards and pull the seat backwards to extend his legs.

This was the first time in quite a while that she was driving in the same vehicle as Dante. She had vowed never to be around him again when she left her father's crew, but Dante continuously approached her or crossed paths with her to the point that they grew into one another's lives in a few weeks, unable to be separated.

Of course Dante never spoke about her or else their father would most likely have her captured and killed.

But she was almost certain that Dante never truly had proper driving lessons. And it was confirmed when he shrugged his shoulders and hissed, "Myself."

"Exactly my point."

Dante waved his hand. "I don't need to drive since Raphael drives me everywhere."

"And where is he now?"

He wasn't exactly sure how to explain it. Although he was too prideful to admit that he needed Raphael, a small part of his mind expected him to return in a couple hours. Raphael could and would never abandon him; they had grown too accustomed to one another. They had gone through too much as a pair that they were practically attached to the hip, rooted by blood, almost as if they were soulmates but in a way of friends.

That was why he rolled his eyes. "He's throwing a temper tantrum. I'll meet up with him later."

Tyler chuckled, shaking her head. "How did you upset him this time?" Dante was always frustrating Raphael, it was a repeated occurrence and Raphael was bound to have enough eventually. He oftentimes used his status above Raphael to belittle him, even thought Raphael always went above and beyond for him. That was why Tyler knew that Raphael was definitely hurt with something Dante had done.

Dante growled, "Why do you think I did something? Maybe he did something—"

"Face it," Tyler snorted, seeing the serious look on his face and not having a single clue how he could even believe his own words, "you always do something when it comes to Ralphy. Anyhow, what was it?"

After a short pause, Dante not wanting to justify her assumptions, he eventually exhaled a sharp sigh and said quietly, "I told him he's only following me for a pay check."

"Even though that's not entirely false," she started, "you can see why he would be upset with that?"


"He actually cares for you." When she saw that Dante wasn't listening to her, dismissing her as if what she was saying didn't make any sense, she added, "He loves you."

"Not anymore."

"I promise you, after the fling you had together for a few months." Tyler couldn't help but pause, thinking about what Dante had told her about his short but emotional relationship with Raphael that lasted only three months before it was brutally ended. "There's no way he would ever stop loving you. He really does truly care for you Dante, and that's why he's upset. You should apologize."

"What do you think I look like, a whimp?" he snorted. "I'm not apologizing for anything—"

"Well thank god we're here because I'm not in the mood to argue with someone as close-minded as you."

"I'm not close-minded—" Before he could retaliate, Tyler had stepped out of the truck and was already walking towards the entrance. The apartment complex appeared as normal as ever, still having lenders walk in and out. Luckily, they were able to stealthily enter since Nate was not responding to their buzz to his apartment, which alerted both of them instantly.

When the elevator doors shut, they both eyed one another, Dante rolling his eyes when he saw the nervousness behind her gaze. "Relax, Tessa. You were always one to freak out without even knowing anything yet."

"Don't you think it's a bit bizarre?" she retorted through a hiss. "And my feelings always prove themselves to be true."

That caused Dante to furrow his brows; he had never realized it before, but it was true. Anytime Tyler mentioned a concern, the outcome was always identical or worse than what she expected.

But she could be wrong this time.

"You think we'll find him dead or something?" he scoffed, shoving her playfully. "I'm sure it's nothing. He's probably been asleep."

"For a whole week?"

He exhaled sharply, his eyes widening in annoyance as he said, "In a coma then."

Before she could argue back with him, the elevator dinged and the doors opened. The moment they stepped onto the floor, they knew there was something odd. The smell that lingered across the floor was one they were familiar with, one that Dante despised since it made him feel disgusting. The first time he smelt it was when his father had disposed of his mother, and he had been forced to watch, the abuse and the torture until her breath was taken from her.

Dante and Tyler both glanced at one another and in an instant, they bolted down the corridor, the smell growing stronger the closer they got to the door. And right when they were outside of the apartment, they knew it was coming from there.

Tyler was going to rush inside, however Dante grabbed her palm and stopped her. Death never phased Dante, he was used to it. That was why Tyler was surprised when she saw the sweat trickling along his forehead, his continuous blinking as if he attempted to focus and his quivering fingers at his sides.

"I need a minute." He could barely even whisper, clearing his throat and closing his eyes, his jaw clenching and unclenching repeatedly. Tyler nodded her head, deciding that studying the door may give them clues of what occurred. There were no signs of forced entry, but Nate rarely even locked his door. There were no new scratches or dents; everything appeared normal. If it wasn't for the smell, nobody would've known something odd was happening in that apartment room. The silence was broken when Tyler heard, practically in a whimper, the quiet voice of Dante whispering, "It can't be him, Tessa. He can't be dead."

He wasn't getting any better, the courage seeming to fade by every minute. All she could do was pat his shoulder and reply, "We'll deal with those thoughts after, Dante."

Finally, they pushed open the door, but what they saw beyond that was not what they had expected.

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