Chapter 5 - "I own you."

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Nate couldn't stop staring at his palms, wondering what had just happened. One minute, he was pouring shots with Aunt Judy, excited for the day spent drinking and exploring the new town. The next, he was back in his apartment overpowering a man who begged for more, taking pleasure in being subdued. He had never even done that before, not even with his old partners.

The strangest part was that they hadn't even touched one another intimately; Dante had reached his peak by words and hits to his face, then threatening him with a knife caused all his hormones to explode at once. Nate had no idea that could even happen and he had no idea what to do next, not even what to think. Did that make him a bad person?

Although for Dante it had been lustful sexual pleasure, for Nate, it was almost rage from the way Dante had spoken to his aunt. The power Dante gave him, to be able to smack him and menace him without any retaliation, made him feel...better.

And he wanted to do it again.

Nate shook his head, sending his quivering fingers through his curls. He had never been in a situation such as this before and he was frightened to turn into a horrible monster if this continued any further. However, he was not going to throw away his own life nor Aunt Judy's if all he had to do was destroy Dante as sexual pleasure.

His thoughts stopped when he heard the shower turn off. There were a few shuffles heard inside the bathroom before the lights flickered off and the door opened. Nathan stood from the bed, uneasily standing by the door as he waited for Dante to meet his gaze. He was even unconsciously itching the side of his thumb, to which Dante noticed.

Dante had the towel around his shoulders and he was wearing a pair of Nate's sweatpants and plain t-shirts. The shirt was a bit small on him, squeezing every single muscle fibre that Nate couldn't help but study. His sweatpants were not long enough, reaching right above his ankle but it was a look he didn't mind. "Your clothes smell nice," he even said, Nate slowly nodding his head in response.

When Dante finally met the worried blue irises, he snorted and shook his head. "Don't look at me like that." Nate quickly eyed elsewhere, his sight finding space to feel comfortable. "Do you have any food?"

Dante's voice had returned to how it normally was; there was no sweetness or vulnerability, it sounded ruthless and condescending, as if he was superior to anyone who even caught his eye. He tilted his head from side to side, moaning when he heard a little crack and he walked past Nate to leave the bedroom.

"I'm starving. I was supposed to head to a dinner with my grandpa but..." he glanced over his shoulder and then chuckled, eyeing Nate for a second, "I had things to take care of."

Nate did not respond, letting his head nod be the answer and he observed the way Dante's entire right arm flexed as he pulled open the fridge door. He had to lean downwards since he was too tall, his trapezoids pushed out as he kept his grip of one hand onto the top of the fridge door while searching through the products for anything worth to stay a little longer in this apartment.

The first thing he reached for was beer. "At least you got that," he snorted, his eyes still moving from side to side as he studied all the different items. The colours captured his attention, until his sight landed on a plastic container and the moment he saw what was inside, his mouth began to water. "Who made this spaghetti and meatballs; was it you?"

He pulled the container out and eyed the meal, the sauce appearing perfectly creamy and he licked his bottom lip. He leaned in with his nose, a long inhale lifting his chest and he widened his eyes when the scent swirled through his nose and touched every single nerve that made his stomach grumble. "I'm eating this; where are your forks?"

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