Chapter 87 - My Only Person

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"I can't believe you did that."

Dante was not surprised that the minute they had left with Melle's corpse, Nate had grabbed any sort of alcohol he could find and downed it until his cheeks were brightly red.

Moments after he had committed his act, he stumbled to the side and puked as if he had been poisoned. He gagged long after as well, the stench of the blood and the way she tumbled onto the ground after Draco released her, made him fall onto his knees and vomit even more.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it," Draco laughed, patting Nate on the back. Dante had recognized that look in Draco's eyes, the only time he was truly proud as a father. And now, he was looking at Nate that way. "The clean up crew will be here soon." Before they left with the body, Draco had turned back and asked, "Why didn't you let her tell you who your dad is?"

Nate had shrugged his shoulders and said, "I've heard enough for today. Let me find that out when I'm ready for it."

And now here they were, Dante and Nate sitting across one another and Nate had already drank eight cans of beer that were not enough to numb the excruciating emotions digging in his heart. He wasn't even sure if it was sadness or sorrow since they were bundled with so many other different ones that all he needed to do was let his mind fade for a little while.

Dante was staring into emptiness. When Nate had cut her throat, blood had splattered onto him and he had been terribly stuck into the moment that he hadn't even had the time to clean it off from his face. He could feel it there, around his eye and his forehead, dried to his skin. However, he was so confused and shocked to the point that he thought he was hallucinating this entire scenery. Maybe they had never left the base, maybe he had fallen asleep on that chair in Nate's room.

But he was returned to reality when Nate squeezed another empty beer can and threw it to the side, exhaling a long burp followed with laughter as he reached for another one.

And that set Dante off. "Why the fuck are you laughing?"

That made Nate raise an eyebrow, but his attention was diverted to the fact that the package was now empty. He exhaled a long sigh, leaning backwards on the couch and putting his legs up on the living room table. "Be useful and get me more alcohol," he sneered before closing his eye and attempting to let his mind wander elsewhere, somewhere he didn't need to think of the fact that he now had killed two people.

At first, even hearing Dante had slain many was repulsive. Dante's mere threats made him think of Dante as mentally deranged. But now, the gap differentiating the both of them was starting to close, their backgrounds starting to mix way too much that Nate couldn't tell himself apart as much from Dante, at least not like before.

"Nothing about this is funny. You killed Melle as if she didn't mean anything to you."

Nate shrugged his shoulders, holding onto his smile. "She no longer did."

Dante felt as if his stomach was turning, his mind replaying the last moments of Melle and how Nate had slashed her throat as if it had been rehearsed, as if he had already been used to it.

"Yes, she did. I'm not sure what my father has told you or how he was able to change your mindset so much, but killing people it's..." Dante's lips squeezed into a line, exhaling through his nose sharply as he thought of the right words. The pause made Nate glance towards him. "It's not normal."

If Nate didn't think he was laughing before, then at that point, he definitely was. He burst into a series of cackles, even holding his stomach at one point. Dante's comment had been incredulously funny to him that tears began leaking from his eye and he couldn't stop himself from even pointing at Dante in laughter. "You?! Of all people, you're trying to tell me killing isn't normal?!"

The Submissive Assassin (BxB)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें