Chapter 67 - A Special Guest Tonight

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The second they stepped inside, the stench of drugs, alcohol and sweat stung their noses, all of them feeling overwhelmingly hot from the fog covering the ceiling due to the smoking and the crowd of people dancing anywhere and everywhere. Peoples's outfits were miscoloured because of the various coloured lights. It was much easier than they thought to fit in since the lights were terribly dimmed and too many people were there to even notice them.

The club was large, with different sections already filled with too many people. Upon entering, there were already waitresses with platters of shots, wandering around attempting to persuade incoming guests to have an early drink. On the right was a stage, but no one was on it. There wasn't anything on it either; no microphone nor pole, but they had already been told by Eric that it was rarely ever used. A bit further inside was situated the bar counter, where the older crowd stood, chatting with anyone in their vicinity.

Behind the bar was where the V.I.P rooms were, therefore to enter them, the bartender must approve and accept the payment before allowing the guests to enter. There was also a security guard at the entrance who was definitely there to frighten anybody that tried to sneak into the rooms.

On the left was a lounge, and that was where most of Wolf's men sat and lingered around, fogging the closed area with fumes from their cigars or cigarette. Not to mention, the amount of illegal substances used in that room was almost unrealistic. The entrance to the underground cells were in that room, hidden behind curtains. All of them in that lounge were armed, hence if they wanted to reach Nathan, they had to find a way to make it past them.

They were offered drinks right when they came in, and although they were on a mission, Reno stepped forward to grab one.

Before he could drink the shot, they heard Eric's voice shout, "Don't drink anything the employees offer you! They're all laced."

Instantly, Reno shoved the drink back to the server with narrowed eyes, stepping past her and following the rest of his brothers. "Why do they lace their drinks?"

"In case anything Wolf related things happens. Most civilians either won't remember or won't really believe it to have happened and tell themselves they were too drunk."

"Wow," Draco inhaled sharply. "He really thought this through."

"And most people say yes to free drinks when it's from employers so it works all the time," Eric added.

Bronsted furrowed his brows. "It's unfortunate that these people don't know that."

"When have we ever cared about random people."

"I'm sick of your depressing attitude, Lucius," Reno replied harshly, glancing towards his brother who's eyes widened when he heard the retort. "All you want to do is kill people; how about finding a hobby?"

"There shall be no more of this bickering during the mission. That goes for all of you, do you understand me?" His voice had been harsh, all of them instantly focused on their plan as they stepped past the dancing audience. "Molly, get started on hacking the automatic doors."

"On it," he mumbled, walking away from the group.

"Bronsted and Moreno, you both need to attempt to get upstairs. There are VIP rooms there but we aren't certain that Nathan isn't there."

"Be careful up there because they are visibly armed and they don't trust anyone," they heard Eric say.

"We'll be fine; let's go Reno." Bronsted and Reno soon vanished into the crowd, attempting to find a way to be allowed upstairs.

"As for the three of you left, you must find a way to the underground base they have there."

They heard Molly grumble under his breath, which caused his father to direct his attention to him. "What's the matter?"

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