Chapter 55 - Eat

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There was no place of comfort in this room.

There were no windows that could illuminate the place, meaning he had to wait until someone visited, flicked on the lights and approached the entrance to his space. One thing that his mind had finally adapted to was the smell—the first time that scent I infiltrated his nose, he puked. It had the smell of a decomposed body flooded with garbage and feces. He was not surprised however, since this room had clearly been used for immoral atrocities. It was easy to say since there was a bone on the corner of the room, as if they had removed a skeleton and forgot a piece.

It felt as if it had been months since he ahead last been free. His mind was stuck in this abyss of darkness and silence that he could practically feel himself reach insanity. The grumbling of his stomach on occasions did not help at all, but the worse was that he couldn't do anything. He had no idea where he was located, how he had arrived and barely knew why he was stuck in this predicament. Even his stomach had stopped grumbling although he hadn't had a filling meal in so long. His body had began to eat itself and he could practically feel it crumbling to which he couldn't do anything about.

He was left in a seated position with both his arms chained to each sides of the walls, raised in the air. They had removed his shirt, to which the cold of the room had enjoyed stinging his body to the point that his flesh felt numb. But there was nothing he could do other than wait and hope that this was not the way he would spend his last breaths.

He felt weak and exhausted, not even sure that he would be able to flee if he had the chance. Almost every part of his Jody had been bruised for the horrendous torture they had made him experience, and the worse was that he had no idea who they were. All they asked him was to tell him where Dante's hideout was located, and for some reason, as many times as he said the truth, saying that he had never been brought to their hideout, he was beating even more.

Even though he was breathing, he felt as if he was already a goner and that there was no reason for him to try to survive.

He heard a metallic door buzz open.

The lights flickered on, causing him to flinch, squeezing them shut for a moment before he finally felt comfortable to glance upwards. He heard footsteps draw closer to his cell before they finally revealed themselves, standing in front of the metallic bars at the entrance. Eventually, after the jiggle of keys, the man pushed open the cell door and entered inside with a plate of food.

"It's shocking how much weight you lost in such little time." He knelt down in front of him, examining the bruised eye, the busted lip and the dried blood on the side of his face. He then reached for his jaw, pulling his lips apart and studying his mouth, noticing he was missing four teeth from the beatings he went through. "I brought food for you." He handed the plate of food at his feet, glancing towards the chains followed by a chuckle. "I should probably get you out of these so you can eat."

There were no responses as he reached over and released the cuffs around his wrists, seeing his arms fall to his sides weakly. He still stayed silent and instead of reaching for the food, he sighed and glanced at his palms, seeing the dried blood and the ripped fingernail that had been extracted as torture. He didn't even look at the food, but merely examined his body with a blank stare.

"Nate." He bent down, tilting his head to the side before cocking his head towards the plate of food. "You'll die if you don't eat."

Still no response. He was ghostly, letting his arms fall on his lap and staying still as he looked at the deteriorating floor.

He leaned in closer. "Nathaniel—"

"Don't..." His hiss was quiet, barely even a whisper, but it had been heard. "Don't call me that."

Eric pushed himself upwards and straightened his spine. Seeing Nate this way was bothering him...well, maybe partially bothering him. Of course he loved Nate, but his duty as the right-hand man of Wolf came first, above anything else. He had to prove himself or else he would have been kicked out, potentially even killed. Besides, although Nate had been a huge part in his life, he wasn't anymore, hence he could ignore the aching in his chest whenever he heard Nate's screeching screams as he cried from the torture.

"Look," Eric sighed, turning his back for a moment with his palms on his hips. "Just tell them where his hideout is." There were no response, and he faced Nate again. "Then they'll let you leave." A hysteric chuckle escaped Nate's lips, as if the dishonesty in Eric tone had been clearer than daylight. Eric rolled his eyes and added, "Maybe they won't let you leave, but at least it'll all be over."

There was no hope that Nate would talk to him after what he had done. It wasn't at all personal, but it was evident that to Nate, it had been. He instead pushed the plate of food closer to Nate and reached for one slice of the sandwich. "Open up," he ordered, lifting it to Nate's lips who remained sealed. "One bite, please." The only response he received was Nate turning his chin the other way, wincing when he did. "You haven't eaten in three days, you do realize that, right? You'll die."

When there was not a single flinch to let him know that at least he had been heard, Eric dropped the sandwich back onto the plate and pushed himself to his feet, straightening his spine. "Nate, if I could help in any way I really would, but I can't. So, if you're not eating out of spite, then so be it."

He stormed towards the metallic bars and pulled them open. "We'll come get you in an hour for another round. This one is going to be painful so if I was you," he faced him one last time, "I would really think about telling the truth."

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