Chapter 118 - Orange

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The moment Dante had followed his orders, Nate closed the door behind him, and the mere click from the lock being twisted made Dante jitter, lowering his gaze as he listened to Nate's footsteps. Although the hairs on his skin had straightened, his body felt overwhelmingly warm and it only grew even hotter with ever closer steps he heard of Nate.

He was surprised when Nate went to his dresser for a moment, retrieving a black leather belt before approaching the trembling Dante. Their gazes met, Nate's iris appearing much wider and filled with such flames, a lengthy smile showing his teeth as his hand extended to reach Dante's neck. However, he was halted when Dante breathed, "A safe word...we need a safe word..."

Nate frowned, pulling back for a moment. "We never used one before."

Dante exhaled a shaky breath, trying to calm his composure but the belt at Nate's side was making him imagine the relishing pain if it was swiped across his back; that thought alone made his mouth water. "Precautions," he gulped, turning away from Nate.

Nate folded his arms and nodded his head. "What should it be?"

"Orange," he suggested randomly, the first word that entered his head. "Is that alright with you?"

The moment they both nodded their heads in agreement, Dante lowered his eyes and waited. This was what he had been waiting for; to be dominated and abused by not just anyone, only Nate. He wanted the pain to be harsh, for it to cause an electric shock throughout his entire body, which was why he instantly flinched from the mere poke of Nate's finger on his jaw. Dante had been seated on the edge of the bed; he assumed Nate would bind his wrists with the belt, but was surprised when Nate merely pushed himself in between Dante's legs.

"You're scared," Nate leaned in and whispered beside his ear. "You're scared of me." The belt was wrapped around Dante's neck, and he inhaled a sharp breath, feeling the leather beginning to tighten around his throat. It wasn't tight enough to completely seal his airway, but he was starting to feel tension. "You're scared because I control you, and I own you. And if I want you to stop breathing, I do this..." Dante grew weary of the unsettling smirk that pulled the corner of Nate's lips as he began tightening the belt, letting it squeeze Dante's neck until he felt his entire airway collapse.

His entire face was changing shades as his body's alarms started blaring, the suffocation turning on all his adrenaline to survive. In that moment, he instantly reached for Nate's hand, his teeth gritted as he attempted to loosen the belt, until he heard, "Stop resisting and I'll let you breathe."

He wasn't sure how he did it, how he managed to ignore all the bells rushing through his body. But he had to fight his survival instincts and let his palms fall to his sides, and that was when Nate released the belt, letting it loosen just enough for Dante to begin coughing, his breath slowly being replenished.

That high was one he had never experienced before; the adrenaline rush of needing to survive but wanting to listen to his master, was a toggle he wanted to relive again and again. "You came a little bit." He looked down and saw what Nate was referring to. "It's just pre-cum; I'll lick it off for you. Actually..."

Nate pushed Dante for his back to fall onto the bed. Then, he suddenly tightened the belt without warning, and simultaneously, he lowered his head and wrapped his lips around the sensitive tip of Dante, who was bulging terribly hard. Those sensations—the lack of air making his mind feel foggy, the adrenaline rush, the desiring hormones bursting through his blood vessels, the will to fight back against his survival instincts and the slobbering saliva of the gliding tongue as it twirled and danced along his elicited nerves, feeling the back palette of Nate against his most sensitive nerves—was enough for Dante's eyes to roll to the back of his head and Nate to get a mouthful of the residues of his pleasure in barely any time. He hadn't been able to hold it in, and Nate instantly loosened the belt, Dante's body quivering underneath him.

"That felt insane Nathan," he moaned, his body still jittery. "I've never felt anything like this before."

Nate raised an eyebrow. "Oh baby," he grinned, "we're just getting started."

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