Chapter 104 - "Leave Nate and be with me, and love me."

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"Have they been feeding you?"

Raphael had been seated on the bed while Dante was leaning against the bedroom window frame on an angle to prevent anyone from seeing him peering out onto the streets. He wanted to ensure that they weren't followed and that no one suspicious was lurking outside. Raphael hadn't been prepared to leave the bedroom from the continuous overflowing tears and his swollen puffy eyes, hence he asked Dante to stay with him in the bedroom for a couple minutes longer, until he felt composed again.

He slowly shook his head, still wiping the tears along his cheeks. "No," he sniffled, exhaling a long sigh, "we have to collect our...hic!...own food."

Dante slowly nodded his head; that was usually how it happened in bases. Luckily, Draco had a kitchen built and used one of his troop members to become a chef; he loved power and had a person for any single work in the base, including for the sole purpose of sleeping with his men. That only made Dante's heart sting slightly, since although Raphael appeared much more in shape, he had shrunk in size. His muscles had become much leaner, and he wondered if it was a sign of healthiness or if it was due starvation. Which he then asked, "Are you hungry?"

That made Raphael snicker, glancing towards Dante who turned to him as well, the concern stretched across his face. It may have been from stress, but Raphael noticed a few wrinkles had grown across his forehead and the corner of his eyes. "No, I'm alright for the moment, thank you." There was a short pause, before Raphael asked a pondering question that had been stuck in his mind. "You've changed...hic!...was it intentional?"

Dante sighed, finally stepping away from the window, approaching Raphael who glanced at him when he realized Dante was standing in front of him. Dante reached for the bottom of his shirt and slightly lifted it to reveal his empty waistband, a grin on his face. "I no longer carry a gun. Remember the number of times you had to stop me from using it?"

That made Raphael giggle, his cheeks turning slightly pink. He had to assert his dominance constantly with Dante in order to prevent him from killing whoever crossed his path and irritated him.

A moment that instantly flung through his mind was when Dante and Nate had gotten into a little disagreement, and Dante was notorious for distancing himself from his own sentiments by visiting as many bars as he could and getting himself plastered—the only reason it annoyed Raphael was because Raphael usually had to throw a passed out Dante over his shoulder at the end of the night.

He was usually the one who undressed him, carried him in his arms to the bathtub and tapped him awake as he scrubbed him down. He brought the garbage can closer and forced him to puke, to prevent him having to wake during the night and sprint to the bathroom. He would then have Dante widen his mouth, wrinkling his nose as the disgusting fumes of the vomit circled his nostril, but he helped him brush his teeth. Maybe help wasn't the right word, since Dante would merely stand there with his mouth open and it would be Raphael that reached in with a toothbrush and scrubbed every single tooth.

Ir would then be Raphael who tucked him under the sheets, but followed any instruction Dante forced at him. "Cuddle me." "Can you lay down beside me?" "Kiss me on the forehead so I can fall asleep thinking about you." "I know we broke up but do you still love me?" "Can you tell me why you don't want to be together anymore?" Raphael never completely indulged in a conversation since Dante was usually out in the blink of an eye, but he did stay in the bed with his arms wrapped around the jittering Dante who didn't cease to move and sleep talk throughout the night.

Those were all memories that they couldn't forget existed; they meant something to one another and it didn't matter how much the separation attempted to corrupt that.

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