Chapter 9 - "We can't be disturbed, right?"

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Nate had been on the ground when he suddenly felt a hold on the back of his shirt. A force pulled him upwards, forcing him onto his feet and during the seconds it took him to stabilizing his balance, a hand had been pressed on his waist to hold him still. Dante's attention returned to Jake the moment Nate could stand on his own, his widened eyes filled with terrorizing rage, almost showing all the horrible outcomes he relished to do to Jake.

Dante was wearing a baggy black sweater with his hair hidden under the hood. His eyes appeared droopy but deadly and even though he was dressed casually with sweats and sneakers, he seemed as intimidating as on a suit. Even Jake couldn't stare at him directly in the eyes for too long, glancing every corner in hopes that his furious expression would change.

His lips were quivering and he gulped before stammering, "Y-You never come to our s-school grounds."

Dante tilted his head to the side without any response. His eyes examined Jake, seeing his fidgeting body push himself to his feet. He adored the way the colours drained from his face, as if he was assuming death would take him if he said one thing wrong. Jake always had a special place in his heart, but not when he damaged his special specimen. He needed Nate for now and he wouldn't let anyone ruin that.

"Are you alright?"

Jake inhaled a sharp breath; Dante's eyes hadn't diverted but he wasn't speaking to him. Instantly, he glanced around for backup, only to realize that his friends had fled already, leaving him all alone to face Dante.

Nate slowly nodded his head, his hand still on his abdomen as he grunted in pain, "I'll be fine."

Dante stepped forward, noticing the way Jake's breath became irregular as he pulled his head backwards, attempting to distance himself as far as he could from Dante. Sadly, Dante's fingers gripped his neck before he could sprint away, feeling a few veins bulging as he began to squeeze even harder, the choking noises from Jake satisfying him, wanting him to feel his breath slowly seep away without any to return.

"You listen to me really well right now because I'll say this once," he growled, Nate surprised by how deep his voice had reached. He gritted his teeth for a moment, noticing Jake begin to resist against his grasp, attempting to pull his arm away but Dante was much stronger than him. All his fight failed, begging for mercy while he stared back at the wicked smile from Dante. "That boy is mine. You got that?"

When he received no reaction from Jake, he squeezed his fingers even tighter, seeing Jake's eyes begin to bulge. "Nod your fucking head then!" Instantly, Jake nodded, starting to feel way too lightheaded and his arms were growing heavier by the second. When Dante finally released him by shoving him backwards, Jake tumbled onto the floor, gasping for air as Nate had, his palm on his throat. The squeeze had been terribly hard that he could still feel Dante's fingers around his neck.

"If you touch him again, I'll cut each one of your fingers and make you eat them." The viciousness in his tone made both of their skins begin to shrivel, even Nate flinched by how terrifying his voice sounded.

After a few seconds, Dante glaring at a gasping Jake, he finally motioned with his head towards his car. "Let's go."

Nate followed behind him without any questions, glancing backwards to Jake who eyed them walk away, leaving him on the grass. He had no idea Nate was affiliated with the Hercules. However, there was something odd from the bond they had; Dante never treated anyone this way. He never protected any of his underlings in this manner; he sometimes let them fight to the death if that was what they wanted to do. He observed Dante walk towards the passenger side of his car, pull open the door for Nate and help him inside the car before closing it and making his way around.

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