Chapter 1

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Luca taking a step back has caused quite the ripple effect. Former allies are pulling out of treaties, claiming they trust Luca but not Antonio. Our recruits are getting younger and younger. And now, because of Antonio's bullshit, we are at war again.

The Sinaloa's don't fuck around. They come from the columbian cartel and we've worked with them for a while. But our shipments got crossed and they blew up one of our warehouses. Because of fucking Antonio.

If he wasn't like a little brother to me I'd probably try to beat some sense into him. He has no clue what he's doing, refuses my help, and won't ask Luca for advice. It's beyond infuriating.

"Gio," Nick says, snapping me from my thoughts.

"What's up?" I ask before taking a sip of coffee.

"Antonio needs you in the office," he says, shifting his weight between his feet. Many of the men have been struggling in calling Antonio by his title. Actually, only our newest recruits refer to him as the Don.

"What is it?" I ask as I stand and move towards the door of the dining room.

"It's fucking weird is what it is," he says, shaking his head. I furrow my brow but ignore the young recruit and continue up to the fifth floor.

I don't bother knocking on the doors instead pushing inside. Antonio is sitting behind the desk with his head in his hands. His head snaps up as I close the door behind me and my eyes go wide.

"Why are you crying?" I ask as I take my usual seat.

"I can't do this anymore," he says quietly.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"I need to see Luca," he replies.

"Victoria just gave birth," I remind him, "this baby isn't healthy like the other two. You're really going to pull him away from that?"

"Gio, I cannot take care of this family," he exclaims, slamming his fists on the desk, "I tried and I can't fucking do it. He needs to come back before we all end up dead."

"Don't be so egoista," I tell him, "he trained you for this, I was right there the whole time."

"I know," he nods, "that's why I think it should be you."

Utter confusion washes over me with his words. I can't take over, not for either of them. I'm not a DiSilva, it's really as simple as that. I'm okay with serving as an advisor, I did so with Luca and I am more than willing to do so for Antonio. But for me to take over?

"You're just stressed out," I reply, "once we figure everything out with the columbians, you'll be fine."

"Please Gio," he says, his voice small and vulnerable in a way I haven't heard since we were teenagers.

"Why don't we go to their house," I offer, "he has an office there as well."

Antonio nods and stands from the desk, brushing down his suit. I stand as well and follow him out of his office. We head down to the first floor where our teenage soldiers are goofing off.

"Hey," Antonio calls out to the boys, "someone pull a car around."

The boys scatter and I chuckle to myself. This right here is the difference between Antonio and Luca. They listened to Luca because they respected him, they listen to Antonio because they fear him. While they both have tempers, Antonio's tends to lead to killing anyone who looks at him wrong. That includes our own men.

An SUV pulls up to the front doors and I get into the drivers seat. Antonio hops in the back and I speed off from the compound. The drive over to Luca's mansion isn't long and I round the fountain in their driveway.

Antonio punches in the code on the front door and walks right in. There's a kids movie playing and we follow the sound to the living room.

Luca is sitting on the couch next to an exhausted looking Victoria. Elle and Enzo are settled on his lap and Catarina is in a little bassinet off to the side.

"Zio 'Tonio! Zio Gio!" Elle exclaims, raising her little hand to point at us.

Luca turns to look as we enter and his brows furrow, "What are you doing here?"

Victoria's attention snaps to us and she crosses her arms over her chest with a huff. I made a deal with her that we would never bring business into her home unless it's an absolute emergency. I can see the anger and disappointment clear on her face but I'm calling Antonio's breakdown an emergency.

"I need to talk to you," Antonio says softly.

Luca's face drops and he glances at me briefly before turning his focus back on his brother. Luca stands slowly, transferring the kids onto the couch, and approaches him.

"What's going on?" Luca asks, growing serious.

"Office," I tell him, nodding towards the staircase.

Luca nods and leans over the back of the couch to kiss Victoria's forehead before starting for the stairs. I follow behind the brothers and shut the office door behind me.

Luca sits behind his desk and patiently waits for Antonio and I to take our rightful seats. Antonio's red rimmed eyes stay cast down at his shoes and Luca looks at me with nothing short of panic on his face.

"What the fuck is going on?" Luca asks slowly.

"We're at war again," Antonio admits, a fact we've been hiding from Luca for months, "it's all my fault. I can't do this."

"Sembri un bambino," Luca scolds.
(You sound like a child)

"The Triads pulled from the treaty," Antonio says, just barely audible.

My mouth drops open and my eyes go wide. That treaty took almost seven years. Luca and I traveled back and forth to China non-stop the whole fucking time. Of fucking course Antonio fucked that up too. And of fucking course he didn't tell me.

"Jesus Christ," Luca sighs, running his fingers through his hair, "what happened?"

"We encroached on their territory," he replies, "I didn't think they'd actually declare war over it."

"Che cazzo c'è che non va in te?" Luca exclaims, "I told you to read the fucking terms. Going into their territory is a declaration of war."
(What the fuck is wrong with you?)

"This is what I'm trying to fucking tell you!" Antonio yells, standing abruptly, "I can't do this, I shouldn't do this."

"Gio," Luca says, glancing at me, "go keep Victoria and the kids company while we discuss with this."

"Sure thing," I nod, standing from the chair. I step past Antonio and head back downstairs. The arguing duo can be heard even as I get to the foyer and I can't help but feel bad for Victoria.

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