Chapter 36

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"Mr. Lee," I start, taking my seat behind the desk, "thank you for agreeing to come here."

"Thank you for inviting me," he replies.

"Since I've taken over here it's come to my attention that the treaty I worked so very hard on has come to an end," I say carefully.

Jian Lee, leader of the Triads, is a temperamental man. He's known for keeping his cool until the second he puts a bullet in someone's head. Like Luca and I, he was young when he took over the empire. I still have no fucking idea what Antonio did to cause our treaty to fall through so I have to tread lightly. We can't afford another war right now.

"I'm sorry to hear about your loss," he says, propping his ankle on his knee, "Antonio was a strong man. He shouldn't have died the way he did."

"Thank you for your condolences," I reply.

"I assume we are here to discuss the treaty?" Lee asks.

I glance at Rocco who stands in the far corner of the room. I had him rewrite the treaty over the last few days. We added in a few extra offers in an attempt to smooth things over. He patiently holds the stack of paper in his hands. I turn my focus back to the Chinese businessman in front of me.

"I can't seem to figure out what exactly happened between you and Antonio," I tell him.

"He started sending your men to sell in my territory," he says, "I warned him to pull back but he wouldn't."

"Stronzo testardo," I scoff, shaking my head.
(Stubborn asshole)

"But, as I'm sure you're aware," he continues, "I didn't retaliate."

"Why not?" I question.

It is something I've been curious about. Antonio fucked up, he all but declared war, and yet the Triads didn't make a move. I could never really figure out why.

He chuckles before shrugging, "I knew I wouldn't win a war against you."

"But you did pull from the treaty," I point out.

"Look, Don Marino," he sighs, "I have no desire to fight with you. I simply want the terms of our treaty to be respected. I knew that if I pulled out, you and Luciano would be forced to step up."

"Look at you playing politics," I chide as I stand.

I walk over to the bar cart and pour out two glasses of whiskey. I offer him one before taking a sip of my own. I sit back down and lean my forearms on the desk.

"I don't want my men slaughtered," he shrugs, "it's as simple as that."

"I modified the treaty slightly," I say, waving Rocco over, "added a few extra bonuses for you."

"Is that so?" he quirks a brow.

Rocco places the stack of paper on my desk. I gesture to Lee and he quickly takes it into his hands. As he flips through the pages, I take a sip of my drink.

The doors to the office burst open in a flurry of dark hair and red silk. Rosa stomps inside wearing a flowing dress and a frown. She bypasses Lee and tosses a paper bag on my desk.

"You asshole!" she exclaims.

Lee lifts his head to watch her and I raise a questioning brow. She's always so hot when she's angry.

"What did I do?"

"You- you," she stutters out, raking her hand through her hair, "just look."

I grab the paper bag and look inside. My eyes go wide and my jaw grows slack. I look back up at Rosa who nervously chews on her bottom lip.

I stand quickly and round the desk to pull her into a tight hug. She wraps her arms around my neck and I lift her off the ground, spinning her with a wide smile. I finally put her back on her feet and cup her cheeks with both hands.

"Are you fucking with me?" I ask, looking into her dark eyes.

"No," she replies simply.

I scan her face critically before slamming my lips against hers hard, disregarding the presence of the other men. Utter joy and love pours into the kiss and I pull back still smiling.

"I told you," I say to her, "I fucking told you I'd do it."

"Don Marino-" Lee starts but I cut him off.

"Do you agree to the terms?" I ask hurriedly.

"Yes, of course but-"

"Then sign and get out," I command, "I've got some celebrating to do."

I watch him scribble his name on a few pages before standing. I step away from Rosa to shake his hand and Rocco urges him out of the office. The doors shut and I cup Rosa's cheek gently.

"I hate you," she says, fighting back a smile.

"No you don't," I shake my head.

"I didn't think this was even possible," she exclaims.

"I told you, amore," I grin, "I'm fucking Superman."

She rolls her eyes and laughs, the sound filling the room. I feel like a fucking kid on Christmas as I look down at the most amazing gift anyone could've given me; her.

Rocco clears his throat, "is there something I should know? Or can I leave for the day?"

I run my tongue along the inside of my cheek before tearing my gaze from the beautiful woman in front of me, "we're having a fucking kid."

Rocco's eyes go wide, "what?"

"It's still early," Rosa jumps in, "but yeah. I took like fourteen tests."

"Congratulazioni," he says with a smile.

"Grazie," I reply, "you can head out and keep this between us for now."

He nods once and moves for the door. I smile at Rosa and shake my head. I was joking when I said I could get her pregnant even on her birth control but I guess God decided to follow through with that one.

I drop to the ground in front of her and place my hand on her belly. I know there's no bump and that the baby is barely more than a few cells floating along in there but I can't help myself. I gently run my thumb against the fabric covering her before placing a kiss there.

"Are you okay?" I ask her, clamoring back to my feet, "have you been getting sick? Do you need anything?"

"I'm fine," she laughs.

"Oh god I have to buy a house," I come to the realization, "I'll sell the apartment and get everything set up and-"



"Our baby will grow up here," she says as a soft smile spreads over her features, "protected inside the compound while you rule this family like the leader I know you are."

I simply gawk at the woman in response. She wants to stay here, in this compound, and have a family. She wants our kids to run these halls the same way we ran the halls of the castle.

"Are you serious?" I breathe out.

"Of course," she smiles, "I love you, Gio. I don't want you to give up anything for me, let alone the title you've earned."

"God, Rosalina," I shake my head, "you get better every single day."

"Now," she takes a step away and starts for my desk, "let's get this wedding planned before I get fat."

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