Chapter 18

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I sit down on one of the lounge chairs and sigh. Floats and toys are drifting around the pool. I tilt my head back to face the sky. The clouds lazily float by and I watch the swirls of grey and white.

I don't think I have ever been this stressed out before. The situation with the Sinaloa's is looking good but that doesn't mean it's over yet. We still have to tear them down. The Triads pulling from the treaty isn't something I can ignore either. I need to figure out what exactly Antonio did so I can fix this.

And on top of everything, the family is in chaos. Luca is still down in Texas when he should be here with his wife. She's pissed too, rightfully so, and I just know I'm not going to hear the end of it. Not to mention whatever Rosa is getting herself into.

"You fucked up," Rosa's voice sing-songs.

"I know," I sigh in response. I assume she's talking about the situation with Victoria and she's not wrong. I shouldn't have lied to her.

I glance over at her as she approaches. Her dark hair sways as she walks and she sits on the chair beside me.

"She's going to kill someone," she says, leaning back on her hands, "you know that, right?"

"I know," I reiterate.

"I wonder who it'll be," she says, looking out towards the yard. She flashes a devilish smile and I narrow my eyes at her.

"Hopefully not me," I sigh. I run my hand through my hair before shaking my head.

"You're doing a good job, you know," Rosa says. I simply furrow my brow in response.

She shakes her head before taking my hands into her own. She smiles softly and my heart skips a beat. Her thumb rubs small circles on my hand and my shoulders droop. Just being with her helps me relax.

"It can't be easy," she says softly, "you've taken on a lot of responsibility suddenly but you're handling it well. I've heard the men talking; the respect you. Keep being the leader they need, but don't forget to look after yourself."

"Quando sei diventato così saggio?" I chuckle.
(When did you become so wise?)

"Shut up," she rolls her eyes but a rosy hue coats her cheeks. I reach out and tuck stray hairs out of her face.

"Are you done with planning the council meeting?" she asks.

"Mostly," I nod, adding, "just a few finishing touches for the gala."

"Gala?" she questions, "I thought it was just a business meeting."

"The meeting is always followed by a gala," I explain, "all of our families and our highest ranked members attend. It's a rare opportunity to socialize with each other."

"That sounds like fun," she says with a grin.

"It is," I smile back.

"Does that mean I can go shopping?" she asks, brow quirked.

"Sort of," I say hesitantly. My eyes scan her face, waiting for her mood to shift.

"Elaborate," she demands.

"It's still not safe for you to be out and about," I start.


"So the seamstress is bringing gowns here," I continue my statement, "try on as many as you want and pick whichever you like best. You know money is no issue."

"Really?" she asks, perking up.

I nod, "pick out more than one, just in case."

I've been working on my proposal and I know she'll be pissed if she's not dressed right. But I don't want to spoil anything, I still haven't finished my preparations.

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