Chapter 49

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Three Months Later

I've been busy working all day for weeks now trying to ensure that everything is done before the babies are born. Rosa has been decorating and messing with everything in the nursery lately as well. From what I read online she's nesting. So when she decided this morning that she had to go to some baby boutique in Brooklyn, I let her go. It's a hell of a lot easier to stick a guard on her than it is to try and argue. Now I'm scrambling to finish up for the day so I don't miss the show.

"Are you sure you feel okay enough to come?" I ask Rosa, my phone wedged between my shoulder and ear.

"I'm fine," she sighs on the other end, "I'm going to stop by the florist and I'll meet you at the recital."

"Okay," I concede, "if anything happens, call me. And listen to your guard for fucks sake."

"Fine, fine," she grumbles, "I'll see you soon."

"I love you, principessa."

"I love you too," she replies before hanging up.

I curse under my breath as I shuffle papers into a stack. I quickly glance over the shipment log on my laptop as I walk. I'm already running late for Elle's dance recital but this shit needs to get done. Rosa is due any day now and I want to be able to spend time with her when that happens. So, I have to get as much in order as I can.

I finalize the spreadsheet and send a copy to Rocco before tossing the laptop on my bed. I go into the closet and grab the tie that Elle specifically requested I wear. I tie it as I head downstairs.

There's an SUV waiting in the driveway and I climb in back. The driver pulls off and I take out my phone. I smile at my lock screen for a moment, the most recent sonogram of the twins, before sending a quick text telling Luca I'm on my way.

The car pulls up outside the building and I hop out. I weave through the other parents and family members into the auditorium. Soldiers dot the aisles in identical suits. As I scan over the small crowd, I spot Enzo's wild curls and walk over to them.

"Ciao," I say softly as I sit beside Luca.

"Hey," he replies, "thanks for coming."

"Of course," I scoff, waving my hand.

"Where's Rosa?" Victoria leans forward to ask.

"She wanted to stop at the florist," I reply, "she should be here soon."

Catarina stretches her arms out towards me and I take her from Luca's lap. I bounce her on my knee making her giggle and clap her hands. I check my phone with one hand as the lights begin to dim.

A woman walks onto the stage with a microphone. "Hello friends and families. I am so happy to welcome you to our annual dance recital. Our little ones will be starting today's show with a dance that they've worked very hard on. Feel free to take pictures and videos but we ask that you turn off your flash. Please enjoy the butterfly dance."

The curtains open up and my heart catches in my throat. There stands Elle, front and center, in a little pink tutu with butterfly wings on her back. She has her hands on her hips and a smile on her face.

"Oh fuck," Luca mutters beside me.

I glance at him and chuckle lightly. Tears rim his eyes as the music begins to play. I watch as he reaches over and grabs Victoria's hand. He keeps his full focus on the stage and I turn to do the same. There's other kids on the stage, all dressed the same, but none of them matter when Elle smiles.

Elle lifts onto her toes and spins around in a circle. She flaps her arms like wings as she twirls in circles and I can't help but smile at the sight. She's absolutely adorable.

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