Chapter 41

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I can't stop fidgeting. Twisting my cufflinks, tugging at the damned bow tie, tapping my shoes against the marble altar. Luca's been making fun of me all morning for being nervous but I can't help it. Nothing good comes from this family being in a church.

Organ music begins to play and I try to collect myself. Victoria makes her way down the aisle, followed closely by Elle who tosses petals from her basket every few steps. Enzo is a little slower, focusing very hard on the rings he holds. Rocco gently nudges him forward with a sleeping Catarina in his arms.

My heart catches in my throat as Rosa becomes visible. I said I wasn't going to cry, that was the whole point of the note I sent her, but my eyes fill with tears anyway.

She's absolutely gorgeous in her ballgown. The small flowers and crystals that adorn her dress make her look like an angel. The crown sitting on her head reflects the lights of the church and I swallow hard.

She hugs Luca tightly and he whispers something in her ear. She pulls back from the embrace and smacks the back of his head making a few people in the pews laugh. I bite the inside of my cheek to hold in my own laughter; there's that feisty woman, my feisty woman.

She turns to me and smiles, taking her place beside me on the altar. I can't control it anymore and a tear slides down my cheek. She looks up at me with those dark eyes and I smile back at her. She bites her bottom lip before looking at the priest.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Giovanni Marino and Rosalina DiSilva," the priest starts, "before we start, is there anyone who wishes to object to this marriage?"

I shift my jacket, revealing the glock strapped to my side, and look over the guests. No one moves and no one makes a sound.

"Good," the priest continues, "marriage is..."

He drones on, reciting different Bible verses and old sayings. But I really don't give a shit what he has to say. Call me a bad Catholic but I don't fucking care. The only thing that matters is the glow of Rosa's skin and the smile that rests on her lips.

"Have you prepared vows?" the priest questions.

I nod and clear my throat, "Rosalina, I don't know why we waited so long to do this. You've had my heart since we were kids and you will have it until the day I die. I promise to always do right by you; to defend and protect you with my life. Anything you want, you will have. You always have been and always will be the love of my life."

Tears freely flow down my cheeks but I can't find it in myself to be embarrassed. Every word of that was the truth and I will stand by those vows.

Rosa wipes under her eyes before turning to Victoria. She rushes over and hands Rosa a piece of paper.

"I love you, Giovanni," she starts, "you're the only person that can make me nervous. The only person I can count on no matter what. I will do my very best to be the wife you deserve. You are the strongest, kindest and most patient man I've ever met. There are no lengths that I won't go to for you. I will love you and stand by your side until the day I die."

Enzo scuttles over and holds out the small pillow.

"Buon lavoro, amico," I say quietly as I take both rings from him.
(Good job, buddy)

"Do you, Giovanni Marino, take Rosalina DiSilva to be your lawfully wedded wife until death do you part?" the priest asks.

"I do," I reply firmly, slipping her ring on her finger.

"Do you, Rosalina DiSilva, take Giovanni Marino to be your lawfully wedded husband until death do you part?" he asks.

"I do," Rosa says quickly before sliding my wedding band on my finger.

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