Chapter 30 - Rosa POV

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Warning: smut

I've been sitting on the marble stairs for hours. Every time the soldiers circle back, they insist that I should go to bed. It's nearly one in the morning but I need to stay up. I need to talk to Luca as soon as he gets here.

The tires of a car pull up the driveway and I stand. I go down the few steps to the foyer and the front door swings open. Luca comes inside with hurried strides. His brows are furrowed as he scans the foyer before landing on me.

He takes a step closer and opens his mouth to speak. But before he can get a single word out, Gio barrels through the front doors and shoves him aside. Luca hits the ground with a thud and Gio wraps me up in his arms tightly.

I close my eyes and breathe in his cologne. I didn't call him, I thought it would be selfish, but I'm beyond glad he came anyway. He pulls me flush against his chest, so my face is buried in his suit. I wrap my arms around his waist.

"What are you doing here?" I ask incredulously, my voice muffled.

"Shut up for a minute," he mutters before squeezing tighter.

"What?" I scoff. I try to pull back but it's no use. He keeps me firmly held against him and places a kiss on the top of my head.

"Fuck, Rosa," he groans, "why the fuck didn't you call me? I was so fucking worried, amore. Just let me hold you for a minute."

I stop trying to pull away and hug him a little tighter. I turn my head so my cheek presses against his chest. His stiff body slowly begins to relax; rigidity turning to warmth.

He pulls back and takes my face in his hands. His eyes look over my features a few times before he crashes his lips against mine. I kiss him back with the same relief and happily part my lips when he probes them with his tongue. Our tongues caress and explore. I pull back, breathless, and he kisses my forehead.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" the questions come out rushed.

"I'm fine," I shake my head.

"Fuck," he breathes out before pulling me into another hug, "Dio, I was worried fucking sick."

"Guys," Luca clears his throat, "I don't want to interrupt this disturbing reunion but the sooner we deal with this shit, the better."

"Right," I nod in agreement. My cheeks flush as I pull back; I completely forgot he was standing there.

Gio's jaw ticks as we seperate and he glares at Luca. Gio takes my hand in his and begins to walk away. Luca is a few steps behind, his shoes echoing in the halls. Gio opens the door for the parlor and I stride inside.

It's just as lovely as it's always been. Shelves upon shelves of books; filled with different genres and languages. The fireplace is covered over for the season and I sit down on one of the velvet couches that faces it.

Gio sits beside me and places his hand on my exposed thigh. Luca takes his seat in an armchair and leans forward. Gio gives my leg a squeeze and offers a reassuring smile.

"What exactly did Michael say to you?" he asks. Both men watch me with furrowed brows.

"He said that family is Luca's greatest weakness," I start and Luca flinches in his seat, "he said that his boss wants all of the island properties and your suppliers from South America."

Gio's brows furrow and he nods, gaze dropping to the carpet.

"What else?" Luca urges.

"He said that we're too far up our own asses to notice the success of other organizations," I continue, "that they hold more power and wealth than we realize."

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