Chapter 39

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Rosa bends over to pour more paint into the tray and I can't help but to stop and admire her. She wears beat up overalls, the kind you wear when you're gardening, with just a sports bra on underneath. She's pulled her hair up into a bun but a few wisps have fallen out to frame her face. The afternoon sun comes through the bare windows making her glow.

"What?" she laughs lightly, looking at me over her shoulder.

"Nothing," I shake my head and stride closer.

"You were staring," she says as she begins to paint the wall.

"I'm not allowed to appreciate how utterly gorgeous my fiancé is?" I scoff, standing behind her, "is that what you're trying to tell me?"

I press my chest against her back and she leans into my touch. I pepper kisses across her jaw and down her neck making her squirm. I smile to myself as I place a kiss on her temple.

She laughs and her hand stills, "just help me paint you cucciolo."

"Excuse me?" my hand finds her hip and I turn her around. She places her hands on my chest to steady herself and I playfully narrow my eyes on her.

"It's true," she says, "the fluffy hair, always staring at me and saying the cutest things. You're like a golden retriever."

"What does that make you?" I ask before kissing her forehead.

"I'm like Tuono," she laughs, "dark and sneaky with one hell of a bite."

"I cant argue with you there," I smile.

She grins in self satisfaction before spinning back around. I release her and grab my own paint roller. The soft yellow slowly covers the pastel pink as we work.

I told her that we could hire painters; that all of the tedious things other people complain about could be skipped over. But she insisted on doing all of this ourselves. That the baby would be able to tell the difference between a nursery made with love versus one made with money. I don't think that's how babies work but my woman gets what she wants.

"Hey Gio," she calls out.

I turn around only to be met with flying paint. I look down at my shirt before looking at her. She wears a wicked grin and bites down on her lip. I chuckle before flinging paint towards her.

She shrieks and jumps out of the way but I'm already crossing the room. I throw more paint and this time it hits her on the shoulder.

"You're so dead," she laughs.

She throws paint at me and I duck it before getting her on the back. Our laughter fills the room as paint flies through the air. I smack her ass, a yellow handprint covering her pocket. She swipes her hand down my cheek with a laugh.

I grab her wrists, forcing her to release her brush, and back her up against the wall. I pin her hands above her head and her breathing quickens. I smirk as I cage her in, holding both wrists with one hand while the other holds her waist.

I lean down and plant my lips on hers. She kisses back just as hard, lips moving frantically against each other. I prod at her bottom lip with my tongue until she grants access. Our tongues intertwine and caress, a small whimper leaving her lips when I pull away.

"Two more days," she whispers.

"Two more days," I reply just as softly.

"The fuck am I looking at?" Luca's voice comes from the doorway.

I sigh and release Rosa before facing him. He looks around the room with paint everywhere. Thankfully, we covered the shiny wood floors but it's gotten on the ceiling and crown molding. He looks me up and down before doing the same to Rosa.

"We're painting the nursery," Rosa chirps, going back to the task at hand.

"It looks like a war zone," he scoffs.

"Shut up," I roll my eyes. I return to Rosa's side and continue to paint the wall.

"You're allowed to admit you're jealous, Luca," Rosa teases, "can't do fun shit like this with the little cockblockers."

"I hope you have twins," Luca spits back.

"What's up?" I ask him, trying to get him back on track.

"Right," he shakes his head, "I've been thinking."

"That can be a dangerous thing," I remark and Rosa laughs.

"I think I should come back to work," he says.

"What?" Rosa and I exclaim at the same time.

"Not to be the Don again," he clarifies quickly, holding his hands in front of him, "I just want to be an advisor of sorts. Walk Rocco through some shit until he can truly take your place."

"Why?" I shake my head.

"It's what's necessary," he shrugs, "without Antonio, you and I are the only people who know how to run this family. You'll have a lot to do as the Don and you're about to have a kid, congrats again by the way."

"So we're switching?" I ask hesitantly. I drop the paint roller into the tray and approach him.

"Sorta," he tilts his head, "Rocco should remain your Consigliere but I think it's a good idea for me to come back, even if it's way less than I used to do."

I nod slowly, brows knit together. It would be nice for us to work together again. Being a part of the family used to be fun; I ran the fucking world with my best friend. When he stepped down, shit became messy and complicated.

"Sounds good," I finally say, adding, "did you talk to Vic about this?"

"It was her idea," he replies.

"Welcome back," I smile, clapping his shoulder.

"Is the bro-fest done yet?" Rosa asks, "come help me paint. Both of you."

Luca quirks a brow and I just shrug, picking up the roller. I grab an extra paintbrush and hand it to him.

"So," he starts as he begins to paint, "how are you going to set this up?"

"The crib is going there," Rosa points at the wall of windows, "and the dresser and changing table will go against that wall."

"You getting a bookshelf?" Luca asks, adding, "you can use Elle's old furniture if you want."

"I'm going to repaint the one that was in here," I say, "and the rocking chair too."

"Pick a theme yet?" Luca asks, "Vic wants the new nursery to be ocean themed."

"I think maybe we should wait until we find out the gender," I shrug. I hadn't put much thought into it.

"Winnie the Pooh," Rosa declares, "doesn't matter the gender or anything."

"That'll be cute," I smile over at her and she smiles back.

Finally, after two fucking years, shit is starting to go back to normal. Luca and I will be working together again. Victoria seems to be doing a hell of a lot better. The fucking war is over and we barely lost any men. But the most important thing; in two days, I'll be married to Rosalina DiSilva.

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